Few know that dreams can be ordered. Yes, every night as you can from the catalog to choose their own dreams and all night just to enjoy those pictures that I want to see. However, to learn to choose their own dreams, will have to be trained.
First of all, it is very important preparation for sleep. There can be no hassles. You must get rid of all quality concerns and worries of the day. Even if some problems remain unresolved, you should try, like Scarlett, to convince themselves that they better think about tomorrow.
Before leaving the bed, it is important to try to relax as much as possible. Fit a warm shower or bath with essential oils, herbal tea with honey, quiet activities before bedtime. Overeating or too high-calorie dinner will not contribute to a beautiful dream. Too soon, according to popular belief, they will contribute to a nightmare. Do you need it?
Now the most important part. Once you aired the bedroom and went to bed, start to relax. Listen to your body, moving it to the point of attention. If somewhere there is muscle clips, try to relax them, untangle these tight little balls of stress. Mentally straighten the muscles, fills them with warmth, heaviness and with each exhalation release the tension.
There is another good way to relax. Lie on your back, walk attention to your body and how to collect, wound into a ball all the stress that you will find it. If you try, you will understand how to do it. Now put this ball on the left side of his torso.
In the next step collect, rewind into a ball all the thoughts that bother you, wandering in the head and not giving relax. Put this glomerulus mental debris on the right side of the body. All you can start working with dreams.
Use your imagination. Imagine a place where we want to be. Imagine as vividly as you can - all of its attributes, and other inhabitants. Let me grab your attention to detail, carried away by this fantastic and coveted place. After a while you fall asleep, but a figment of your imagination turned into a very real dream, where you can spend a great piece of his second life.