Dill water, as has become clear from the title, is made from vegetable garden dill, fennel or oil on them. This drug can be purchased at the pharmacy. Besides the fact that microbial water normalizes digestion and cope with gases, it also has an excellent expectorant and antimicrobial action.
Pharmacy dill water is prepared in complete sterility, which is very important for the health of the newborn. It is made from essential oil of fennel, which is produced at pharmaceutical companies by distillation from the fruit of fennel. Mix 0, 05 grams of fennel oil with a liter of pre-treated water, then thoroughly shaken. Shelf life dill water - one month.
The seeds and fruits of fennel contains a large amount of essential oils in the leaves - 0, 5%, the fruit - 6, 5%. Linoleic acid, oleic acid, palmitic acid and α-pinene, anethole, α-phellandrene, methyl chavicol, citral, terpinolene, camphor, bornylacetate, cineole, limonene and fenchone that are part of this plant, give it medicinal properties necessary for the proper functioning of the intestines.
You can cook dill water alone at home. To do this, buy dill seeds in a pharmacy and brew in a thermos at the rate of one tablespoon per liter of boiling water. Insist in a thermos for an hour, take in unlimited quantities. Newborn child should be given dill water one teaspoon three times a day. Pre-wash your hands with soap and water, not to bring the baby infection.
Pediatricians recommend taking dill water nursing mothers, it will reduce flatulence in a child who is breastfed and significantly improve lactation. Side-effects of the drug rarely causes an allergic reaction which is expressed redness and itching of the skin, and reduces blood pressure. In this case, you should immediately stop taking dill water and consult a doctor.