I'm sure many of us have tried the sweet and original fruit called kiwi, but wondered how much benefit and vitamins can be obtained by its use. Kiwi has the unique ability to cleanse the body of toxins and impurities. In addition, the fruit contains very large amounts of vitamins C, B, potassium and magnesium. Magnesium is essential for proper central nervous system, and potassium - heart. Since the taste of kiwi than it resembles the taste of gooseberries, it is sometimes called "Chinese gooseberries." Those who are afraid to get better from kiwi, do not worry - he is considered one of the most low-calorie fruits. Moreover, it is, on the contrary, even improves metabolism. It is also very useful kiwi for pregnant women and nursing mothers: There are a lot of vitamins and folic acid.
The main useful property kiwi - the ability to purify the body and blood of various toxins. This fruit breaks down fats in the body and thus improves its overall condition. It also helps in case of poisoning and drug intoxication, sometimes thereby replacing the chemical adsorbents. In addition, this is useful for the fruit skin. Kiwi rejuvenates refreshes and purifies it.
To cleanse the body and skin, doctors and nutritionists recommend eating a day for 3-4 kiwi fruit. Already in the past month you will notice the effect of their use: health is significantly improved, normal blood pressure, the skin becomes bright and fresh, the gastrointestinal tract works well, and heartburn, if present, almost disappears. If you long to eat kiwi fruit, do not have problems with the cardiovascular system, as it prevents the formation of blood clots and improves the lumen of blood vessels.
To the facial skin has become supple and velvety, at least once a week is useful to make a mask of kiwi. To do this, cut a piece of fruit and wipe face and neck. You can also make a mask of kiwi and peaches. After these procedures, the skin will become snow-white, clean, and most importantly - young.