Benefit from the use of soap is difficult to overestimate, because hygiene, based primarily on cleanliness - the basis for the health of any person. But very often after using soap skin becomes dry and taut, and may begin to peel. This is due to the fact that the chemical composition includes the alkali soap. Each person has a skin sensitivity to this component, so someone washing with soap does not bring any discomfort, and someone causes severe irritation. Besides alkaline soap washes protective fatty layer of the skin and loosens the top layer of the epidermis, which can lead to premature aging.
What to do if your skin is sensitive to soap? Abandon this bath product? Of course not. Today, there are many options soap that contains a minimal amount of alkali or contains this component at all.
If your skin is dry on the soap, the beauticians are advised to pay attention to the handmade soap (hand-made). It is brewed by hand from natural ingredients. Although this soap is alkaline based, but it consists of oil and moisturizing ingredients that nourish the skin well and reduce the risk of irritation to a minimum.
If you like traditional soap to wash with and do not want to give it up, the beauticians recommend to pay attention to children's soap. It consists of a minimum amount of alkali.
If you have sensitive skin, you perfect liquid soap, which is composed of surface-active agents (surfactants), and not alkali. By the level of acidity, it is close to the acidity of the skin (about 5, 5 PH).
Soap without lye is in the form of brusochkov. It also contains surfactants, but in a dry form. The composition of the soap can include glycerol and various wetting agents, which help make the skin clean with moisturizing and nourishing it. By the way, today in the sale is a soap (both dry and liquid) which includes a moisturizer. Advantages of this product are excellent moisturizing properties, and the only drawback can be called that dry soap under the influence of water and soak very quickly turns to mush.
Thus, the modern chemical industry in alliance with cosmetology allow a person to choose the soap depending on their preferences and to reduce the risk of dryness and skin irritation to a minimum.