Essential oils inside

 Despite the development of science, people are increasingly turning to nature. And genetic engineering is no longer seduce us. And more and more you want something natural, simple, present, where there will be no synthetic additives. If you do not mind herbal medicines, but you do not have time to collect natural gifts, use essential oils, which absorbed all the useful properties and power plants. In our pharmacies recently began to appear more and more small glass vials with natural essential oils. It is not surprising: after all, they can be used as an excellent cosmetic and medicinal products. Someone wants to pick out the essential oil skin care, and someone asks whether it is possible to take essential oils inside. Journal JustLady help you make sense of this.

In general, the essential oils used for massage, wraps, wraps, baths, inhalations. Occasionally drinkessential oils insideBut this is a separate issue that requires serious approach. Generally essential oils - very effective. Thus, they are essential in the treatment of, for example, the common cold. Research of recent years proved that essential oils have excellent therapeutic effects. They not only provide antifungal, antiparasitic, antiviral and antibacterial protection, but also have a positive impact on the psycho-emotional state of a person, as well as produce a healing effect. So people began to use all of the thicketessential oils inside and outwards.

Useful for gargling oil for colds, sore throat, loss of voice, difficulty breathing. Rinses help reduce pain after dental operations, relieve irritation, accelerate healing. 2 drops of essential oil drip into a glass of water, rinse your mouth and spit out. In no case do not takeessential oils inside after gargling! Typically, pain in the throat use antiseptic oils: lemon, sage, thyme, tea tree.

The question of whether it is possible to use essential oils inside the magazine JustLady is ambiguous. The views of experts on this controversial: some consider it possible, others - is strictly prohibited. Our magazine tries to deal with you. Known aromatherapists believe that you can take some essential oils inside. This was carried out special studies.

Essential oils inside

However, it is very important in this case to be extremely careful! Generally tradition to takeessential oils inside originally appeared in France. French aromatherapists with higher medical education (and this is very important) thought it possible to use oils for treatment. However, a person who decides to drink essential oils, should be guided not by someone's advice, especially if they are people without adequate education, and well-versed in the matter. That is, you must know all the contraindications, as well as very clear that in the event of an overdose, or use intended for this essential oil can cause serious complications. Journal JustLady strongly discouragedtake essential oils inside those people who do not have the slightest idea about aromatherapy.

In general, the problem of self-medication is very important. Found a lot of advice to use oil with honey or sugar (no more than three drops). But the essential oil does not dissolve in sugar, so it's just easier to swallow.

Studies conducted in France demonstrated that consumption of pure essential oils can irritate or even damage to the gastric mucosa. The great danger is that many people who know little about essential oils and how they are concentrating, believe that if they drop of oil helps, it is possible to increase the dose, because three to four drops - it is so small. Three drops of people seem simply nonsense. They also believe that the essential oil - a natural product and therefore harm from it can not be. In fact, a large dose of pure essential oil has on the liver and kidneys are very heavy load. Thus, the dosage of the oil should not exceed three drops. Alsoessential oils inside can not be taken for a long time.

Swiss aromatherapist Carol Michaud believes thatessential oils inside can be used only in diluted form. That is, before using essential oils should be diluted or honey, or in a glass of water (pre-diluted oil emulsifier). Rule reception - 1 drop of oil per 25 kg body weight. Women's magazine JustLady draws your attention: essential oils are forbidden to use inside children.

Be particularly careful in the use of essential oils into such as fennel, anise, nutmeg, sage, cloves, cinnamon, oregano, thyme. Safest oils such as lavender, peppermint, tea tree. Women's magazine JustLady recalls: when receiving the essential oil into the obligatory use thinner oil.

You can useessential oils inside with herbal tea. But remember that oil can not drip directly into the tea: they need to be pre-diluted (eg, honey or sugar), and then add tea. Women's magazine JustLady warns you if you decide to use essential oils inside, first study the issue. Do not self - in serious disease should consult a doctor!

 Alice Terentyeva / Women's Magazine JustLady

Tags: throat, oil