Actually, to feel in the pines need quite a bit: oil burner, essential oil of pine and desire.Essential oil of pine - One of the best deodorants. Especially effective is the use of pine oil in the oil burner in the smoke-filled rooms. For this purpose, the recess aromalampy pour water drip 3 drops of oil and light candles. The smell of smoke will be over. But, the essential oil of pine is famous not only that.
Primarily,essential oil of pine safe means for the treatment of colds and flu, especially in young children. Has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and expectorant, copes with bronchitis and tracheitis, pneumonia and catarrh of the upper respiratory tract. Reduce the temperature. To facilitate breathing and expectoration pine oil is used as rubbing in oil burner, hot and cold inhalation. Composition for grinding: 1-2 drops of oil of pine mixed with 20 drops of oil-base (jojoba, almond, peach or vegetable) is rubbed into the chest, avoiding the heart. Hot inhalations need to pour into a bowl of boiling water, drip 3-5 drops of pine oil, cover head with a towel and inhale the hot steam. On a handkerchief to drip a few drops and occasionally to smell. Particularly successful fight with a cough for the sauna. In a cup add water dripping 10 drops of pine oil and put the cup on the very top shelf.
Since the oil of pine perfectly eliminates excessive sweating, it is recommended while taking bath. 10 ml of bubble bath to take 5 dropsessential oil of pine, Stir and dissolve in water. Take a bath for 10 minutes. As well recommended and foot bath. Pour the water into a basin, dissolve pine oil as above and keep your feet in the water for about 20 minutes.
Just apply the oil of pine and joint diseases: arthritis, rheumatism and gout. In these cases, apply hot and cold compresses, during exacerbation - hot compresses will help a lot faster. In half a glass of hot water dissolve 5-6 drops of oil. Soak gauze, a little squeeze and wrap the joint. Top wrap woolen cloth.
Essential oil of pine can be taken by mouth, since it helps with the inflammation of the kidneys, liver and adrenal. But we must use extreme caution. 100 grams of honey or jam to take 6 drops of oil, mix thoroughly. Take a teaspoon 3 times, heavily drinking lemon water.
In introducing, bleeding wounds, psoriasis and eczema at 1 \ 3 cups of water to take 15 drops, mix and apply as a lotion. For washing wounds take 30 drops of essential oil, half a teaspoon of baking soda and half a cup of boiled water, the whole was stirred and washed 3 times a day. Also on the skin surface, with bruises and muscle pain impose applications in the form of undiluted oil.
Nervous exhaustion, insomnia syndrome manager will help bath with essential oils. Medicinal properties of pine have long been known for its calming effect. In hot tub add the mixture with essential oils of pine, cedar and lavender.
Essential oil of pine very well in cosmetology. This is one of the best tools in the fight against hair loss, the hair does not only strong but supple and shiny. The easiest option - the enrichment of shampoos and conditioners for hair: shampoo into the palm pour and drip 3-4 drops of oil. But it can do special firming mask for hair. For red is ideal mask henna oil of pine: 1 pack of henna powder brew, add 10 drops of essential oil and 10 drops of grape seed oil. All mix impose on hair, put on a plastic cap, top head wrap a towel. Keep the mask for about 30 minutes, rinse with warm water and wash your hair with shampoo. For blondes, you can prepare a solution for rinsing hair: 1 tablespoon of chamomile flowers pour 1 liter of boiling water for 30 minutes, strain, add 15 dropsessential oil of pine. Brown-haired brunettes and can advise oil hair mask with mandatory scalp massage. 10 ml of oil base to add 5 drops of pine oil and 5 drops of castor oil, mix well, rub into the scalp, wear a hat made of polyethylene and wrap head with a towel. Seem like 20 minutes, remove the massage head and wash off the mask shampoo.
In the summer, especially in hot weather, women are often plagued by leg swelling.Essential oil of pine help to cope with this problem. 15 ml of oil base to take 5 drops of pine oil, diluted, applied to the skin and massage the legs from the top down.
Regular body massage with essential oils of pine are generally very useful for the body - it improves skin tone and elasticity, eliminates acne. Oil can and should be used for the skin, as pine oil smoothes wrinkles and restores the natural production of collagen.
But women's magazine JustLady just do not forget thatessential oil of pine - Is not only highly effective against many ailments that can alleviate many of the state, but also quite a strong allergen, so it should be used with extreme caution.
Natalia Toropova / Women's Magazine JustLady