Diet for gastritis

Diet for gastritis
 Gastritis is a common acute or chronic inflammation of the gastric mucosa and is manifested in the form of swelling, nausea and severe pain in the upper abdomen. In this case, just need to diet, which has the ability to reduce the activity of gastric juice.
 At the beginning of acute gastritis are advised to observe strict diet, which aims - to reduce the inflammation of the stomach. And only after that you can begin to stimulate secretion of gastric juice. It is forbidden to eat spicy food, fat, muffin, fresh bread, whole milk and coarse fiber foods (raisins, cabbage, prunes). Always listen to your body, while expanding diet already permitted cocoa, yogurt and tea. After two and a half months, you can already have almost everything, with the exception of a fatty fish and meat, smoked meat, bacon, spices, large amounts of salt, grapes and cabbage. Breakfast should be hot food in the form of porridge or soup.

Allowed to eat and drink: weak tea with milk; biscuits; water with sugar and lemon; fresh cheese; a small amount of butter; eggs, cooked boiled; Vegetable and pea soup; steam omelet; boiled chicken; vegetables and herbs in the form of mashed potatoes (except spinach and sorrel is); pasta; sour varieties of fruits and berries.

This diet is observed about three weeks, everything depends on the state of health of the patient. Under the influence of food restrictions are pain and reduces inflammation. When the sharp pain subsided, you can gradually begin to stimulate the formation of gastric juice. Begin to prepare strong broths, chop for dinner pickles or herring. If possible, spread the sandwich with red caviar. Thirty minutes before a meal, drink half a glass of water with lemon juice.

The food should be carefully boil and rubbed. Excellent treat gastritis mare of mare's milk. Kvass also stimulates gastric secretion, but we should not get involved in it because it strengthens the process of gasification. Can drink coffee, but no more than one cup per day.

Sample menu during an exacerbation with low acidity

For breakfast, eat a serving of oatmeal and a cup of tea with milk. Lunch should be an apple, a pre-baked in the oven or microwave. For lunch, prepare the broth with a little meatballs, buckwheat porridge with a chop a couple and a glass compote. For dinner, perfect mashed cooked vegetables and serve cheese with the addition of jam or honey. At night, drink a glass of fresh yogurt with croutons of white bread.

Sample menu during an exacerbation at normal or elevated gastric acidity

Cook an omelet for breakfast steamed oatmeal (grated) on milk and tea with fresh milk. Lunch, milk should be white biscuit. Suitable for lunch serving soup, mashed potatoes and carrots, mashed potatoes with meat cutlet, steamed, and fruit jelly. At lunch, drink a glass of milk. At dinner, eat boiled fish with mashed beets and carrots, as well as tea with milk. At night, drink a glass of milk again.

Tags: time Men, Diet