Verbena oil Javanese
This amber liquid having a sweet, peppery, fruity aroma with a "green" note. Has a good psycho-emotional effect.Verbena oil Javanese man relaxes and at the same time makes it clear consciousness. If you feel sad, sick at heart, a head full of bad thoughts, then the wild (Javanese) verbena return you a good mood. The aroma of this oil soothes, relieves increased irritability and emotional. Everyday problems do not give you relax? And then Javanese verbena come to your aid: she got rid of all the bad thoughts will return confidence and faith in the future.
The essential oil of verbena and has a good cosmetic effect. It effectively helps to treat insect bites, relieves irritation, heals the skin, acts as a good antiseptic. Verbena oil Javanese can be used in skin rashes - it copes with them, even including rash in measles. This oil is so effective that it is successfully used to treat infections of the scalp. This is a good moisturizing and nourishing oil, so it is recommended for dry skin.
Healing effect
Verbena oil Javanese - a wonderful tool for the treatment of respiratory diseases. It relieves fever, helps with asthma, bronchitis, cough easier, helps with colds. Also, this oil relieves pain in muscles, helps with nosebleeds.
Oil of lemon verbena
Lemon Verbena is different from other types of strong flavor of its essential oil. This plant is cultivated in Tunisia, Algeria and in the south of France as a perfume and medicinal raw materials. In the essential oil pleasant lemon fragrance saturated with floral-fruity notes.The essential oil of verbena obtained from flowers and leaves by steam distillation. Typically, a small crop plants, and essential oils produced in very limited quantities, so natural (ie without synthetic additives and nothing undiluted) lemon verbena oil is very expensive. The structure of this valuable oil enters geranial, neral, nerol and geraniol (and their acetates), and caryophyllene.
The impact of the essential oil of lemon verbena on the psyche
This is a very good remedy to calm the nervous system and relieve nervous tension, with stress, fear and anxiety verbena oil is simply irreplaceable. If you feel tired, nervous exhaustion, apathy, lost interest in everything, you will be restored to life with this massage EM. Also massage is very effective for insomnia. The oil helps to concentrate, activates neural activity, enhance brain activity and the ability to think. Drives away bad thoughts, gives a good mood and the desire to live. The oil can be added to aromatherapy bath, but JustLady warns you that you can not exceed the maximum concentration of oil, otherwise the skin may be irritated. Dilute 2 drops of lemon verbena EM and 3-4 drops of lavender in the base (yogurt, honey, alcohol, milk, yogurt), add water - and relaxing bath is ready. After it you will sleep well and see pleasant dreams!
Cosmetic effect of essential oil of lemon verbena
Very well helps oily skin - visibly reduces oiliness. Remarkably tightens the skin, making it more elastic, smooth. Rejuvenates the skin, removes flabbiness, helps to reduce cellulite. Helps with excessive sweating, refreshes the skin, relieves inflammation, treats acne.
Pay attention!
JustLady as already noted,essential oil of verbena very expensive, but because producers unprofitable to produce natural oil. Very often under the guise of verbena they sell oil of lemon thyme, which, though similar to the smell and vervain, but neither composition nor its actions and properties does not even have a close relationship to the family Verbenaceae. Typically, this oil is sold as "Spanish verbena oil." It should be understood that a synthetic mixture, and no relation to the present it has vervain.
Curative effect of oil of lemon verbena
EM has sedative, antiseptic, antispasmodic action. Relieves fever, helps the digestive system, removes toxins from the body. If you are due to stress and nervous tension digestive problems, then you might want this oil. It is also effective in hypertension, tachycardia, dizziness and nausea. Helps with headaches, vegetative-vascular dystonia, warms up the muscles, improves labor. However, when the pregnancy is the essential oil is not recommended. Effectively helps to relieve the pain of rheumatism and its anti-inflammatory properties make oil a good way to treat cystitis. Has a beneficial effect on the endocrine system. Oil recommended for women who suffer from infertility. Useful for nursing mothers - it increases lactation.The essential oil of verbena - A good assistant for injuries, fractures, sprains and bruises, helps to get rid of bruises and hematomas.
In general, it is most valuable for its oil properties. However, and very expensive, which, however, pays his favor. We hope that in this article you will gather a lot of the essential oil of verbena!
Alice Terentyeva
Women's magazine JustLady