A solution to this problem is quite simple. First of all, you must choose for themselves their own healthy balanced diet. But if you in this matter not an expert, then choose a healthy diet is not so easy. So try to adhere to the following rules:
- The daily ration must diversify
- It is necessary to accustom your body to eat at the same time
- Eat 5-6 times a day, it does not fully satisfy your hunger
- In the diet to add at least 40-45% of fruits and vegetables. Do not replace them completely exotic fruits
- No need to completely give up foods such as breads, cereals, rice, just limit their number
- It will be good if there are no medical contraindications to eat dairy products low in fat, and live yogurt stored for 3-5 days, not months
- Eat fish, meat and poultry are not fat varieties
- Teach yourself to boil foods or cook them for a couple. So remain more vitamins and such food is not harmful to the body.
- In autumn and winter, add to the diet more vitamins
- Stick to a special table interoperability
- Carbonated beverages, confectionery, sugar, salt should be strictly limited
- Drink mineral water during meals and in front of her
- It is better to give up alcohol or reduce its consumption
You have to remember that the main task, which is assigned to a healthy diet - is the restoration of disturbed metabolism. And then the restrictions listed above, it will be easier to overcome.