What kind of water is healthy

What kind of water is healthy
 The healing properties of water people know a long time. In folk tales, a drop of "live" source and is able to resurrect the good fellow, and a beautiful maiden. From the "dead" water is inevitably perish any villain. Modern science confirms the legend part. The water really is the most important fluid in the human body. Reducing the number of its leads to serious consequences.
 Absolutely pure natural water does not exist. It always contains impurities: organic compounds, gases, fungi, bacteria, protozoa. Depending on the richness of mineral salts natural water is divided into fresh, mineral and salt. Drinking liquid as used for the first and second species.

Fresh water is required to man every day. Without her regular flow starts deadly dehydration. Therefore, it is not just useful, but vital. The average daily requirement is covered by 2-3 liters of clean water, or 30-40 ml per 1 kg of body weight. In hot weather and during increased physical activity, such as sports, this amount should be increased to 1-1, 5 liters.

Assortment of fresh water is quite wide. You can buy bottled, you can stock up the key from natural sources, and you can drink "tap", ie supplied to homes through a centralized water supply system. Giving preference to one or another variant, you need to think about a few important points.

The quality of drinking water in the city water is regulated by special regulations. Their compliance with the following regional bodies and Rospotrebnadzora sanepidemstantsii. Unfortunately, the tap water in the home often has a high content of impurities unsafe. For its disinfection method used chlorination. To this water has become fully fit for human consumption, it is necessary to filter or at least defend in an open container. Boil the liquid from the water better after cleaning.

There are also time-consuming, but quite effective method of separating impurities from the water. Filtered fresh water should be frozen. On the surface of the formed ice wash thoroughly with all foreign inclusions. The ice is defrosted at normal room temperature. The resulting melt water can be used for drinking and cooking.

Good alternative water became fresh bottled water. It is extracted from deep artesian wells and purified without chlorine. Choosing to store this water, you need to pay attention to the information on the label. Responsible manufacturer is required to indicate the number of artesian wells and the chemical composition of the product. If the bottle is poured normal tap water, even if it held additional cleaning, on the packaging should be a corresponding label, such as "a source of centralized water supply."

Natural mineral water belongs to the category of treatment and prevention. Its use will benefit only if the dosage and the procedure for admission determined by your doctor. Carbonated mineral water can not be drunk people with diseases of the stomach or intestines. A healthy person can be used to strengthen the immune system and general prevention mineral table water. A day is enough to drink 2 cups, if the doctor has not appointed a treatment regimen. Buy mineral water is better, like any medicine, pharmacies, carefully read the information on the label.

Tags: health, selection, use, drinking