Useful properties of green tea and hibiscus

Useful properties of green tea and hibiscus
 Green tea and hibiscus became popular in Russia recently, while in China and Egypt they are used for millennia. In the East, these drinks are considered to be traditional, they drink not only because of the peculiar taste, but also because of the useful properties.

Green tea contains vitamin C, B1, B2, PP, K, iodine, potassium, copper, zinc, flavonoids. These substances improve the metabolic processes in the body. In use of green tea in the gut faster lipids utilized, they are deposited in the vessel wall and the body in general. Due to these properties, green tea is recommended for the prevention of obesity and atherosclerosis.
 Green tea improves the elasticity of the vascular wall, reduces blood pressure. It contains substances that prevent oxidation of cells, therefore, has a rejuvenating effect.
 Green tea neutralizes the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation and X-ray in the body. With regular use of the beverage decreases the risk of cancer.
 Fluoride, which is part of green tea, strengthens tooth enamel, bactericides and prevents the growth of microorganisms in the oral cavity. Therefore, crushed leaves of tea, you can brush your teeth.
 Hibiscus contains vitamins, macro and trace minerals, bioflavonoids and organic acids. Due to the presence of vitamin C strengthens the immune system and hibiscus has an antioxidant effect, ie, prevents aging of body cells. Citric acid in the composition Tea causes refreshing effect.
 Hibiscus, depending on the form in which it drink different effects on blood pressure. When tea in cold, the pressure drops in a hot - increases.
 In addition to effects on blood pressure hibiscus has an effect on the vascular wall. Anthocyanins, coloring tea characteristic crimson color, strengthens the vascular wall. The same anthocyanins combined with quercetin, as well forming part of hibiscus, removes toxins and wastes.
 The structure includes kakrade easily digestible carbohydrates and proteins. Proteins, when ingested, break down into amino acids, six of which are essential for human beings.
 Hibiscus recommended to use for people with kidney and liver. The drink does not contain oxalic acid, which is necessary to limit in renal disease, and a diuretic. Just tea stimulates the production of bile and improves liver function.

Tags: property, hibiscus