Its name was everlasting thanks to the ability to grow where it is not every plant can survive - on dry or rocky soil. Even after his thwarted, everlasting long time does not wither, and in the dried state does not lose its coloring. The people there are also other names of this plant: cat's paws, dried flowers, zolotistka, everlasting.
In the composition containing flavonoids immortelle, essential oils, fatty acids, ascorbic acid, tannins, iron salts, sodium, potassium and manganese. Due to its beneficial properties, everlasting enhances the secretion of pancreatic juice, bile, stimulates the gall bladder, and normalizes the bowels. Therapeutic preparations based Helichrysum possess high antibacterial properties, and thus have low toxicity, but prolonged use can cause undesirable stagnation in the liver. That is why the course of taking drugs with immortelle should not exceed more than three months.
In the treatment of various diseases of the biliary tract and gallbladder disease often use a decoction of the flowers of Helichrysum. During the reception of this folk remedy increases the secretion of bile, naturally relieves spasms with biliary tract, washed sand and small stones.
Helichrysum also used as an antibacterial and diuretic in diseases of the urinary tract and kidneys, and in case of problems with the gastrointestinal tract is a medicinal plant has established itself as an excellent antispasmodic. Everlasting is able to enhance the secretion of digestive juices, reduces bloating, improves bowel.
With the ability Helichrysum improves metabolic processes in the body, it is often used in the treatment of patients with atherosclerosis. During his acceptance reduces cholesterol that is deposited in the walls of blood vessels, activates all the biochemical processes.