Sage essential oil: structure, properties and applications

Sage essential oil: structure, properties and applications
 Name of the medicinal plant "sage" comes from the Latin Salvia - «salvation," and this is not surprising if we recall the many useful properties of this herb. In medicine and cosmetology used essential oil, aqueous extract and tincture of sage.

Sage oil - light yellow transparent liquid with a spicy smell of bluff. It consists of terpenes (hydrocarbons active derivatives of isoprene - the main component resins and balsams) and alkaloids, flavonoids and tannins. Of particular importance is Salvini - pretty strong natural antibiotic. It is very effective against bacteria staphylococcus and streptococcus: just over five minutes to rinse the mouth and throat sage oil to get rid of the infection.

It has long been known beneficial effects of oil of sage on women's health. In ancient Egypt it was used against infertility, now used for painful menstruation. With its help reduce inflammation and stop heavy bleeding.

Anti-inflammatory, expectorant and astringent properties of the oil of sage is used to treat respiratory diseases: tuberculosis, asthma, bronchitis. For inhalation at home two or three drops of oil are added to the open pan of boiling water, are covered with a blanket and head breathe fumes. By the way, the same way you can help problem skin: Couple sage oil unclog pores and help relieve local inflammation. Fans of Russian bath add a few drops of oil of sage in the water, splashing on the fiery furnace, succumbing to the park: a great way to treat colds, besides a couple has a tonic restorative effect on the entire body.

With angina and stomatitis shown gargling and mouth with the addition of 2-3 drops of oil in a glass of warm boiled water.

With fatigue, nervous exhaustion, cramps headaches vessels 3-5 drops of oil added to warm water and take a bath for 15-20 minutes. Very useful massage with essential oil: 3-4 drops of oil of sage mixed with oil-based, for example, apricot or peach.

For the treatment of wounds, eczema, acne and dermatitis on the problem areas bandage compresses or 5 drops of oil of sage 10 drops of oil-base.

 However, it should be borne in mind that during pregnancy you can not use oil of sage.

Tags: oil, properties, composition, use of