Quails have a high body temperature, making them virtually susceptible to infectious diseases. Therefore, their eggs can be eaten raw, without worrying that the nutrients will be lost in the process of heat treatment.
By the number of vitamins and minerals quail eggs several times larger than the chicken. Phosphorus and potassium levels in it 5 times higher, iron - 4, 5, vitamins B - 3 times. Besides, quail egg contains many essential amino acids: glycine, tyrosine, threonine and others. These components play an important role in metabolism, so the quail eggs are often used as a natural medicine.
Not only the egg, but its shell is good. 27 micronutrients, including calcium, zinc, copper, fluorine, well absorbed by the human body. Because of this, quail eggs are recommended for bone regeneration in fractures and cracks bones.
The list of diseases for which a reception quail eggs, is quite wide. They strengthen the immune system, make it easier for colds, normalize blood pressure and beneficial effect on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Eggs also shown in complex therapy of anemia, allergy and disorders of the nervous system. Pregnant women can use them for the prevention of dental caries. In addition, the quail eggs increases the body's resistance to the effects of radiation. No wonder they have recommended to accept children living near the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.
Quail eggs are rich in protein, so most professional athletes try to use them regularly.
Children up to three years on a daily basis can be eaten no more than two quail eggs, preschool and primary school - no more than three. Teens can eat for just 4 eggs, and middle-aged 5-6. A beneficial effect on the body will be evident within a few weeks of taking eggs, but do not stop there. It is proved that eliminate the deficit all the nutrients and vitamins can only 4 months of regular use of this product.