Oil of sage

Oil of sage
 Today, aromatherapy is interested in almost any lady, concerns about their health and beauty. Women's magazine JustLady reveal all the secrets of admirers aromatherapy oil miraculous sage. I must say that sage oil - one of the most loved by millions of women oils. And no wonder, since it is excellent for skin care, body and hair, as this oil can be used as antibacterial and disinfectant.

Firstoil of sage became known as "muscatel" in Germany because his taste is somewhat reminiscent of the Germans muscatel wine. Oil of sage isolated from the upper part of the plant from the family yasnotkovyh. Just imagine that for the production of 1 kg of oil takes about 70 kg of flowering plants - it becomes clear that this is a very valuable oil. Journal JustLady advises remember that the natural oil of sage should be clear, colorless or pale yellow, with a pleasant nut-grass smell that combines the flavors of bergamot, orange and amber. This oil is used in aromatherapy bowl much medicinal sage thanks to such a wonderful aroma.

Sage oil: application for the psyche

Sage oil has a good relaxing effect, relieves nervous tension, irritability, nervousness, panic disorder. Magazine encourages you JustLady it is a wonderful essential oil if you feel tense, inflated - after the essential oil of sage you will be in a good, relaxed and joyful mood, and will look at life with a positive. Trysage oil, using it is useful for stress and depression, as well as if the emotional stress caused by muscle tension. Sage essential oil stimulates mental activity, memory and concentration.

Oil of sage

Oil of sage: Implications for health

Sage essential oil is known for its excellent recycling properties. Its use is recommended for women with oily skin and enlarged pores, as well as for the treatment of acne. Remarkably helps the oil and anti-cellulite programs, with excess sweating. Well softens the skin, helps with inflammation. It can be recommended for women suffering pains and cramps during menstruation. Also sage oil is very good for childbirth: it relaxes, but at the same time stimulates the generic activity. When stomatitis, inflammation of the oral mucosa, colds, loss of voice, sore throat, cough, asthma sage essential oil is simply irreplaceable, because they can gargle - 2-3 drops ef.m. a glass of water. Furthermore, oil is widely used for flavoring and decontamination.

Women's magazine JustLady recommends every girl, care for themselves, to buy in your arsenal of cosmetic cEssential oil of sage. It not only restores the skin, reduces its fat content and enlarged pores, but also greatly helps in the treatment of acne.

Superbly helps with cellulite - the skin after oil becomes more smooth and well-groomed. Helps inflamed skin, well softens, smooths wrinkles. In general, the essential oil of sage - it's the best way to keep your skin healthy and young. No less valuable oil for hair - oily hair with dandruff then oil will look much neater and dandruff pass. Oil strengthens the hair makes them stronger contributes. JustLady hurry to tell you and whatessential oil of sage - Natural deodorant because it limits the excessive sweating.

So, we have already learned about how many positive properties has this wonderful oil. Now let's try to use this oil in practice. But to begin with a few words about the storage and precautions.

As we have noted above,clary sage strongly soothes and relaxes, and therefore it is not recommended for those who want to sit behind the wheel. It is also forbidden to use this oil in conjunction with alcohol, and, of course, prevent overdose. It is important to:clary sage forbidden to use during pregnancy because it can cause bleeding! Also it can not be used at high hypertension. Store in sealed packaging clary sage can be more than five years. Compatibility: lavender, bergamot, sandalwood, grapefruit, cypress, jasmine, juniper, citronella, lime, cedar, pelargonium, geranium, frankincense.

Oil of sage

A few good recipes from JustLady:

Hair: 30 ml base 8 drops eff. m. clary sage. For oily scalp and dandruff rub into the roots, with dry hair - spread over the entire length. Wash off after an hour.

To increase the elasticity of the skin and slow the aging process: 1-2 drops ef.m. 1 tsp base (jojoba, hazelnut, wheat germ, blackcurrant seed oil). Apply to cleansed skin, after 30 minutes wet cloth.

For oily skin: 2 to. Ef.m. 1 tsp base (hazelnut, grape seeds).

Mask to restore the skin: 2 tbsp + 2 to base. Ef.m. Sage +2 to. ef.m. lemon + 2 k. ef.m lavender + 2 k. ef.m daisies.

Mask to soften the skin of hands: 10 g + 2 to base. Ef.m. Sage +2 to. ef.m lavender + 2 k. ef.m. lemon + 2 k. ef.m. magnolia.

 Alice Terentyeva
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: hair oil, sage