Meals for cheerfulness

Meals for cheerfulness
 With fatigue, apathy, lethargy - especially in the evening - experienced by many. And cold and clinging. But you can feel energetic, cheerful throughout the day, forget about illnesses, if you change your diet.
 First of all, make sure that the daily drink about two liters of water. Minaralnoy better, without gas. To the water add the lemon juice, it will enhance the motility of the gastrointestinal tract, it will restore the balance of microflora. Drink in the morning before eating a glass of water with lemon juice (to taste) and a teaspoon of honey, do yourself a day of juice from carrots, apples and lemon and drink throughout the day herbal teas. So you will provide a powerful vivacity.

Alternate cereals and eat them not crushed (except oats, it is useful precisely because of the fragmentation of oats, improves liver). Try excluding menu polished rice, it contains starch in abundance. However, if you want to get rid of the starch in the rice, just hold it for about an hour under a stream of cold water. Very useful buckwheat. It displays the body of harmful substances, toxins, and in addition easy to digest.

Do not forget about the fruits and vegetables. Fine if every day you will be able to use fresh herbs and salad leaves. Pay attention to the cabbage (fresh, pickled, boiled). It is full of fiber and vitamin C, it detoxifies and helps to improve digestion.

The perfect remedy for the nervous system - carrots, source of vitamins A and C. Effective Vitamins - the juice of carrots, apples and beets. Do not be lazy and cook it as often as possible. Do not ignore the garlic and onions, they contain volatile, protect against pathogens.

To feel great, be sure to supplement their diet with fish. It is much less fat than meat and poultry. Proteins that there are high quality. These proteins are necessary for normal liver function. Especially useful medium-sized fish, boiled or baked. And, of course, a storehouse of vitamins and minerals, a source of energy and energy - seafood.

Tags: diet, nutrition