Chocolate against the pain in my heart

Chocolate against the pain in my heart
 Chocolate - a very tasty delicacy, which appeared around 1500 BC. The whole world for many centuries, is enjoying its exquisite taste and aroma. But not all chocolate lovers know about its extraordinary beneficial properties.
 Of course, it will be about real chocolate, made from cocoa butter and cocoa liquor. Chocolate bars, which is used in the manufacture of cocoa powder and vegetable fats, nothing to do with chocolate and have medicinal properties do not possess.

Useful properties are being found in dark chocolate. Cardiologists after numerous studies have found that black bitter chocolate has beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system. It contains flavonol beneficial agent which is capable of lowering cholesterol in blood and protect blood vessels from damage. Cambridge scientists studying the beneficial properties of chocolate, concluded that this delicacy lowers blood pressure. But this does not mean that the more to eat, the better. Benefits to the body brought a few pieces of chocolate a week. Eating too much chocolate, a person can earn even obesity and diabetes.

Boston scientists watched nine years older lover of chocolate from Sweden and came to the conclusion that the use of this product is the prevention reduce the development of heart failure. Again, the benefit brought it a couple of pieces of chocolate a week. But if you're not a day can not live without this delicacy, eat dark chocolate, it is much more useful to the dairy.

Swiss researchers have recognized the influence of dark chocolate on the heart and circulatory system. Small doses of delicious goodies prevent narrowing and hardening of the arteries. 60 grams of high-quality dark chocolate can improve blood circulation and reduce the risk of thrombosis. By the number of dark chocolate antioxidants superior red wine and green tea.

Besides chocolate contains caffeine and theobromine, which stimulate and increase the efficiency of human activity. In extreme situations, chocolate helps the body to relieve stress and calm the nervous system. And it is an excellent remedy for depression. This tasty delicacy, consumed in moderation, will be the perfect companion to the body.

Tags: pain, chocolate, work, heart, use, property, bitter