Olive oil sunflower yields in the number of nutrients, particularly natural fats. However, it is easier to digest, has a mild choleretic effect and has a beneficial effect on the digestive organs. Regular consumption of olive oil strengthens the cardiovascular system.
Has a higher nutritive value, and soybean oil. The chemical composition is close to the fish oil. In addition to the fatty acids it contains phosphorus compounds, a large number of vitamins and minerals. Therefore, the quality soybean oil is suitable for people who want to strengthen the nervous system, improve vision and to bring the excess cholesterol.
Sea buckthorn oil is almost never used as food, but is often used in medical practice. The special production method of this vegetable fat keeps it in a large amount of carotenoids - the basis of vitamin A. In this way, sea buckthorn oil include in the complex therapy in the treatment of infectious diseases, inflammation of the skin, stomach ulcer or duodenal ulcer.
"Medical" and the properties of another vegetable oil - mustard. As a natural antibiotic, it has a strong antiviral, antibacterial and antiseptic effect on the human body. Mustard oil is often added to canned fish and baked goods. These products do not spoil for a long time and do not lose their flavor.
Peanut butter has a high calorific value. However, it serves as a source of lecithin and phosphatides, amino acids, vitamins and trace elements. Moderate amounts of peanut butter is recommended to strengthen the nervous system, prevention of diseases of the blood, cleansing the liver and biliary tract.
Among the marginally useful vegetable oils include canola, sesame and palm. Last differs very solid consistency reminiscent of animal fat. It is not suitable for use in its pure form, but is used in the industrial manufacture of margarine and confectioneries. Rapeseed oil contains small amounts of unsaturated fatty acids, sesame practically devoid of vitamins.
To get the maximum benefit from the oil, it should be properly used. Preventive or therapeutic effect is achieved only when using unrefined oils produced by cold pressing technology. This vegetable fat is usually very dark in color and has a rich aroma. "Living" oil quickly loses its beneficial properties. Upon heating above 100 ° C, and it does become dangerous, carcinogenic. Therefore fry in the raw vegetable fat is impossible. The best way to use it - to fill the salad. Shelf life of crude oil does not exceed four months.
In the refined and deodorized vegetable fat significantly reduces the amount of nutrients, such as vitamin E and beta-carotene. During purification it is also removed from the organic compound capable under high temperature transformed into carcinogens. Therefore, the refined oil can be used as a salad sauce bases, and frying. The maximum shelf life - 8 months.