All parts of this plant contain a large amount of fat, proteins, fatty acids, oils, it includes linoleic, linolenic, palmitic and oleic acids, vitamins B, C, PP, carotene, essential oils, tannins, juglone (valuable phytoncide substance), as well as iron, iodine, cobalt, zinc, copper and magnesium.
In the unripe fruits of walnut vitamin C than in the wild rose, and leaves a high carotene content.
Juglone, which is contained in the green rind walnut, is a natural antibiotic having a high antibacterial activity as well as anti-fungal properties.
In cotyledons nut contains all the essential amino acids: glutathione, cystine, lysine, arginine, gistadin, asparagenovaya and glutamic acid, proline, alanine, valine.
The chemical composition varies depending on the maturity of the fruit, in the dried form, it also retains all useful properties.
Calorie Nut of 648 kilocalories per 100 grams of product.
Trees used for slope stabilization as protective plantations. Walnut wood is a high quality building material, it is valued in furniture manufacture, used in the manufacture of musical instruments.
The bark is used for dyeing silk, wool in black and brown tones, for tanning leather.
Walnut leaves are used as a substitute tobacco and tea.
Unripe fruits are used to manufacture jams. Walnut shells used to produce activated carbon.
Walnut perfectly combines the benefits and taste. Preparations from it have a tonic, bactericidal, hemostatic, anti-sclerotic, anthelminthic, anti-inflammatory, anchoring properties.
Kernels have a hypotensive effect, vasodilator and diuretic properties. Vasodilator effect and stimulates mental activity. For therapeutic purposes, they are used in fresh and fried.
Very useful kernels tuberculosis, cancer, generally weakened state. Walnuts are shown in liver disease, eneterokolitah and colitis, atherosclerosis.
Infusion of leaves walnut used inside with vitamin deficiency, childhood rickets, sclerosis of cerebral vessels to lower blood sugar and improve metabolism. Infusion: 50 g leaves pour one liter of boiling water, insist 2 hours, strain and drink throughout the day.
Externally the infusion of the leaves is used as baths and lotions for herpes, eczema, rashes, like healing wounds, they rinse the mouth with inflammatory diseases.
Fresh leaves applied to boils, sores, when panaritiums. Juice of the leaves treat purulent inflammation of the middle ear.
Root bark is used as a laxative, in addition, a means - strong antidote.
With increased acidity three times a day to take 10 grams of walnut kernels. When administered leukemia nucleus as a therapeutic agent because they large content of iron, copper, zinc, and cobalt.
When hypertension is recommended to eat per day 100 grams of walnuts. In diabetes helps broth partitions ripe nuts, 40 grams pour two cups of boiling water and keep on low heat for about an hour. Take 6 tablespoons three times a day.
In cancer, mastitis, nervous diseases, diarrhea within 2 months take a tincture of the partitions. Partitions of 25 nuts pour 100 ml of alcohol and insist for a week. Take three times a day for 20 drops.
Contraindications for use walnuts - atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema. Even a minimal intake of these nuts can cause exacerbation of the disease.
Excessive consumption of nuts can cause in case of hypersensitivity allergic reactions - diathesis, allergic stomatitis or hives.