A quarter of sour apple, one medium carrot, juicy stalk celery petiolar two fresh tomatoes contain only 10 calories. By the way, they are the most important products that we need for daily health and energy. Remember that during the formation of the food basket, keep in mind. These non-nutritive and healthy products must be completely pushed out of the daily diet abundance of fat and carbohydrates.
There are products that reduce appetite. Surely you've noticed that in acute feeling of hunger two pieces of chocolate quickly eliminate the feeling of "sucking in his stomach." Or one small candy. Sweet is not contraindicated, the main thing is his portion. Quite a bit, and everything is fine.
The sensation of hunger perfectly removes a glass of still water or skim milk. You can also drink unsweetened live yogurt or half a cup of low-fat yogurt with finely chopped parsley, eat a few slices steamed dried apricots or prunes, a small piece of melon. But Apple, by contrast, will cause a huge appetite.
Well eliminates the exhausting hunger infusion of mint and parsley. Tablespoon of herbs pour a glass of boiling water and let infusions for 10 minutes. Drink sips as tea. If at this time to think about the long journey to beautiful places, or dream of high, hunger at least 3 hours surrender their positions.
If you have a strong stomach and diarrhea, colitis, ulcers or dysbiosis, prepare the infusion of garlic. This vegetable is great fights with gusto. Grind in a mortar or pass through spadefoot three cloves, pour a glass of cool boiled water. Drink one tablespoon before bedtime, and hunger will sleep soundly with you all night. Or can be swallowed without chewing, small garlic clove.
Do not forget to drink plenty of water. Every day you need to fill our cells fluid. This will help to prolong youth, it saturates the skin with oxygen. Calculate its binding portion, given that 1 kg of body weight requires 30 ml of water. Remember that drunk a glass of water before meals will reduce the amount of food eaten by you.