Accumulated over the winter minerals from the soil is saturated with birch all the properties of a natural healer. Already in the early spring it is able to drink the juice daily with the daily requirement of micro and macronutrients, vitamins, antioxidants, volatile, and other nutrients. Only birch sap possesses such power and ability to lead the body in order during the spring of fatigue and malaise, saturating it with organic acids, sugars, salts, potassium, calcium, iron and other trace elements.
Impact on the hematopoietic system and the ability to purify the blood, making birch indispensable for anemia, headaches, migraines.
Due to its rich mineral composition, birch sap is able to restore the metabolic processes of the body, purify it and to strengthen his power.
Daily use of birch sap can bring the cure of diseases of the stomach and intestines, restore mucosal tissue in ulcer disease.
Diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect of birch sap is needed in the treatment of pyelonephritis (kidney inflammation), cystitis (inflammation of the bladder) and other diseases of the urinary tract. The appearance of birch sap coincides with spring activity of the liver, which he is able to provide and cleansing and strengthening effect.
Myocardial infarction is necessary to drink from two to four cups fresh birch sap a day since it stimulates the regeneration of tissues, and partial recovery of the heart muscle.
Due to the cleaning effect of birch sap will soon appear rejuvenating cosmetic effect of its use as a smoothed wrinkles and healthy complexion. It is worth noting that the curative effect of only juice Freshly birch in early spring.