Prized for its red caviar and spicy taste. Caviar is an excellent appetizer. It is customary to eat chilled little spoons of glass ikornitsy placed on crushed ice. Sandwich with caviar - is bad, because the bread spoils the true taste of red caviar and impairs its absorption. Doctors recommend eating a teaspoon of caviar every morning for two weeks, repeating these courses every two months.
In red caviar contains 32% protein consisting of amino acids and absorb scarce for an hour. Eating eggs metabolic function awakens the sleeping areas of the body, what causes a surge of strength. That is why it is often prescribed impaired people.
Caviar is composed of iodine, has a preventive effect on the thyroid gland. Inherent calf polyunsaturated fatty acids contribute to the removal of fat from the body, provoking the development of atherosclerosis.
Vitamins are available in red caviar, enhance immunity, improve vision, formation and strengthening of bones, the normalization of metabolism in the gonads, cell rejuvenation, removal of toxins from the fatty tissues. Nutrients eggs have intensive anti-aging effects on the skin, so cosmetics based on it are growing in popularity.
But there are contraindications to the use of red caviar for people who have a tendency to edema, atherosclerosis, hypertension and ischemia.
Caviar is obtained from different types of salmon that abound in the Pacific Ocean. Each type has its own red caviar connoisseurs. Kets caviar is the largest orange eggs with delicate red shimmer. Gorbuscha has a slightly smaller bright orange grain. Sockeye salmon and trout have dark red, almost maroon small grains. Fine-grained caviar is considered the most delicious. Admirers of traditional taste more valued caviar pink and chum salmon, has a mild taste and pleasant aroma. Small Caviar has a more spicy taste with a pleasant slightly bitter.