To reduce appetite and not overeat during the day, tasty and easy Eat breakfast! After a few days you will notice that the famine began to wake up before the meal and at the table easier to notice the saturation time.
Moreover, familiar dishes can more accurately define the "moment of truth".
To "knock down" enhanced appetite, bite off a little, evaluate dish using teeth, palate and tongue. It is important first impression of food. If you do not confer dish imaginary qualities ("Oh, I so wanted this wonderful cake!"), Then do not miss a moment of saturation, when famine has receded. While chewing, place the devices on the table.
If you eat in the company, take a break to hang out. Alternate food and conversation. If you are alone, do not be distracted by the TV, computer, etc. - Focus on food. Eat slowly, focusing on taste and not stuffing yourself through the power of all that is in the plate. Reduce the size of the portions, take breaks between courses.
Realizing that you are accurately and definitely want to eat, drink a glass of water, walk around, talk to someone - at least on the phone. Yet all of a sudden it was not hunger, and emotions? Try to escape from thoughts on "eat everything" and "eat in 60 seconds!" If you want to try a particular dish "has been tested for strength" and hunger was quiet, then eat health.
Psychologists even recommend a special notebook to record your temptations on "want something tasty." Most likely, over time, you will notice that you are motivated not by hunger, and the same recurring experiences. Work with them and help reduce appetite.
Understand your true needs. It is not necessary to eat the dish just for the sake of someone to please; Supplements should not be asked, for fear of offending the mistress; should not be in an uncomfortable situation, lower my eyes to the plate and sweep away everything to disconnect from the surrounding reality ... Do not give influences, listen to yourself.
It is important not to rush. The body immediately, but only after 15 - 30 minutes realizes that he has already sated and all is well! This process is related to the fact that enzymes (proteins that "hold signal" from the stomach to the brain) are released gradually. If you eat too fast, you can easily overeat - so not eat for at least an hour and stop, even if the stomach is still room. Tell yourself that another hamburger or "The One" cake for dessert you can eat, and at other times. Once the feeling of pleasure begins to weaken, it's time to end there.
Additional sources:
- "School of the natural weight loss"