Composition pomelo
Pomelo recognized considered low-calorie foods with lots of nutrients, thanks to these qualities, it is often used in the preparation of different diets and weight loss schemes. It consists of: B vitamins, A and C, a little bit of fat, protein, fiber, carbohydrates, beta-carotene and useful to our body minerals - sodium, iron, phosphorus, calcium, potassium and others.
Useful properties of pomelo
Due to the high content of potassium in the fruit, pomelo has a positive effect on the heart. Essential oils, which are also part of the help to overcome viral diseases. Limonoids known as natural products with unique properties. They are able to block the growth of malignant tumors, cancer, help the body cope with diseases of the nervous system, prevent cataracts. Limonoids improve mood, making your body more resilient. It is worth noting also that pomelo perfectly strengthens the immune system, which is why parents often buy it in the shops and markets for their children. Besides pomelo accelerates the decomposition of fats and proteins, improving digestion. Fruit pulp and juice remarkably quench their thirst and hunger, prevent the development of atherosclerosis and normalize blood pressure.
In some countries the use pomelo character asthmatic diseases. And also, for example, in Malaysia and China, on the basis of the fruit produce medicinal ingredients that are used for alcohol poisoning, stomach disorders, tumors, abdominal pain, cough, and swelling.
Contraindications to the use of pomelo
Pomelo, like other citrus fruits, is not recommended to use for people with peptic ulcer disease, and increased gastric acidity, hepatitis and acute nephritis. Also, do not take this fruit as food for people who are allergic to citrus.