The average height of a pear tree is 13 meters. It sweeter fruits apples and pulp characterized by the fact that it comprises a so-called "sand" or "stone cells."
That there is a part of a pear, which makes it a valuable dietary and therapeutic foods?
In the pear fruit contains all kinds of sugars (up to 16%): glucose, sucrose, fructose; vitamins A, B, P, PP, B and C; organic acid (0 to 3%, mainly citric and malic), pectin and tannins (4%). There are also fiber, nitrogenous compounds, carotene. When compared to apples, pears in less sugar, but they seem to be sweeter because of the small percent acid content. The fruits of many varieties rich in micronutrients, especially iodine. Pear juice distinguishes the content of tannins, sorbitol, flavonoids, catechins, anthocyanins. Go to medical purpose and also the leaves of this fruit tree. They found glycoside arbutin (5%), hydroquinone, and seeds recovered to 21% of oil.
Clinically proven to fresh fruits pears beneficial effect on the regulation of the digestive processes. Showing pyrus communis L in diets: they are included in the diet of diabetics. Decoction of dried pears is very good for fevers, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by diarrhea. Property pears "mount" depends on the content of tannins. They are no longer contained in the cultural and wild pears. Decoction of the fruit as a diuretic is prescribed to patients suffering from renal stone disease. As shown by medical practice, medical infusion of pears also has antiseptic and analgesic properties.
In folk medicine, boiled and baked pears have long been given to patients with pulmonary tuberculosis and those who are tormented by a cough. Thick decoction of the fruit in the form of lotions and today is used for relieving headaches. Cardiologists are advised to include pear juice and decoctions of pears in the diet of patients who need to strengthen capillaries. Biomedical research 70 years of the twentieth century have shown that polyphenols fruits have high neutralizing effect in the treatment of certain types of viral flu. It is noteworthy that the contraindications, except for individual intolerance against eating pears not.
Here are some recipes, the most commonly used in practice.
When diarrhea.
Grind 1 cup dried pears, mix them with 5 tablespoons oatmeal, pour 800 ml of water. Cook for 15-20 minutes. Insist one hour rub, to take the resultant composition in 1/3 cup 3 times a day on an empty stomach.
In diabetes.
Fasting take a decoction made from 1 cup dried pears and 400 ml of water. Fruit is boiled for 30 minutes, insist 3 hours and take half a cup 4 times per day.
As for culinary delights home "pear cuisine", here for creativity housewives options - set. Some people prefer to cook pear jam, jelly, fruit drinks, other - to prepare candied fruits, juices, kvass, special essences. Everything will be tasty and healthy.