Any kind of nuts contains vitamins A, E and B group, as well as large amounts of potassium, calcium, phosphorus and iron. Nuts and seeds are saturated with valuable proteins, and proteins in different nuts on digestibility vary. Nuts as expensive types of fish are a universal supplier of unsaturated fatty acids Omega-3, Omega-6, Omega-9. A fiber that contain nuts and sunflower seeds, is a natural "cleaners" of the intestine.
Useful properties of the seeds (580 kcal per 100 grams)
Sunflower seeds are considered to be the supplier of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Seeds can remain for a long time such "live" and the right components, as phospholipids, sterols, fat-soluble vitamins. Vitamins that are filled with seeds, firm the skin and help to normalize the acid-alkaline balance. Few people know that sunflower seeds (dried, raw) are an excellent means of preventing atherosclerosis and myocardial infarction, as well as all other diseases of the cardiovascular system. In addition, the seeds are essential for liver and biliary tract.
Useful properties of peanut (551 kcal per 100 grams)
Peanuts, though considered to be nuts, but that it in fact is not. Peanuts - the seeds of a plant of the legume family. Peanuts are incredibly rich in protein, which it contains more than in all the other nuts. It is a source of folic acid. Peanut improves memory and concentration, functioning of the nervous system, heart and liver. Peanuts contain substances that reduce cholesterol.
Raw peanuts in large quantities can cause poisoning, and the skin of peanuts - a dangerous allergen, so it is recommended only roasted and peeled nuts. Daily dose of peanuts - no more than 30 g or 20 pieces.
Useful properties of walnut (700 kcal per 100 grams)
By number of vitamin C in their composition walnut ahead of black currants and any citrus fruit. No wonder nuts with honey is highly recommended that you enter into the diet of patients and people with weakened immune systems. Walnut perfectly strengthens muscles and helps the body recover quickly after exercise. This nut has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects, it is incredibly useful for the normal functioning of the brain. Walnuts are favorable not only for lactation nursing mothers, but to increase the fat content of milk, but the nuts can be an allergen. The recommended rate per day - up to 5 pcs.
Useful properties of almond (694 kcal per 100 grams)
Almond is a relative of the peach. Almonds contain calcium, iron, phosphorus, vitamin B2 and B3. Almonds are shown for the recovery of teeth, hair and skin. These nuts are leaders on the content of calcium and vitamin E. Doctors recommend eating almonds with anemia and visual acuity. Fresh bitter almonds is very dangerous for health because it contains prussic acid. A total of 60 fresh bitter almond nuts can cause fatal poisoning. Therefore bakers use mainly sweet almond, bitter and only added to taste. Daily rate almond - 2-3 pcs.
Useful properties pistachios (610 kcal per 100 grams)
Interestingly, pistachios grow on very mature trees, the age of which can reach up to 400 years, and the roots grow to 15 meters in depth.
Pistachios are useful postoperative and debilitated patients, pistachios effective in diseases of the liver, jaundice. They are able to remove nausea (toxemia of pregnancy), and they are recommended as prevention of heart disease. If nucleoli are bright green, then pistachios ripe. Pistachios are many vitamins and minerals, but they are very high in calories. Daily norm pistachios - 10-15 nuclei overeating otherwise lead to dizziness and nausea.
Useful properties of pine nuts (620 kcal per 100 g)
This is the most tender nuts - there is absolutely no fiber. In pine nuts contains ten times more vitamins than other nuts and twice as many minerals. And the number of amino acids of pine nut overtakes even milk and meat. Norma pine nuts a day - 20-40 g