To live to a ripe old age without having serious health problems, should eat balanced. For example, consuming whole grains, we get almost complete list of B vitamins, beneficial effects on the cardiovascular, nervous and musculoskeletal systems. If eating cereals, peeled shells (semolina, wheat and so on.), Originally contained therein nutrients we do not get it. In this case, nutritionists recommend them to enter into the diet forced by adding bran and bran. One or two tablespoons of similar products in the cheese or vegetable casseroles can significantly push back the age of the typical diseases of old age, giving a few extra years of active life.
Even those of us who are watching their diet, very often wondered why a sufficient intake of foods rich in vitamin A (carrots, apricots, pumpkin, beef liver), the body is still experiencing its deficit. He expressed peeling and skin pallor, falling vision, problems with the mucosa. The answer is simple: only the vitamin is absorbed in the presence of fats. And half a teaspoon of olive oil are added daily to the carrot salad, can cause vision to stay sharp, even when you will be more than 60 years.
There are products that are sure to enter the menu centenarians. These include milk drinks: kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, yogurt, atsidobifilin. A significant role in extending health are natural cheeses and cottage cheese. 100-200 g of similar products supplied for breakfast or dinner, provide mobility in the elderly hands, feet, get rid of osteoporosis and other diseases associated with lack of calcium.
Contrary to expectations, the menu includes alcohol centenarians. The main thing - it consume in moderation. Then harm from it will not remain alone use. Spirits such as brandy, are shown at reduced pressure and slow heartbeat. Vodka and whiskey are favorable for vessels. There is a hypothesis that they lower cholesterol. Also spirits have vasodilating effect, therefore, improve blood circulation. A red wines because they contain tannins are good antioxidants.
For menu centenarians characterized by an abundance of all kinds of fish and seafood. Phosphorus contained in them, has a stimulating effect on cerebral blood flow, thereby reducing the risk of stroke and stroke-states. No wonder the Japanese, whose diet includes at least a third of seafood, considered one of the most long-lived nations. Other nations, more than any other fully experience the world of centenarians - Georgians and Greeks. Menu and those other contains a lot of fruit, vegetables, cheese and red wine.