"Chinese gooseberry", "monkey peach" - so 100 years ago called kiwi lovers of exotic fruits. However, the whole world knew about it a little later - in the 30s of the 20th century, when this unpretentious in fruit growing, thanks to the efforts of New Zealand growers, has become a favorite and, importantly, inexpensive dessert for impoverished during the Great Depression of the Americans. Americans and helped to "roll out" this fruit has been arranged in a plurality of California tree plantations for the cultivation of vines Actinidia, whose delicious fruit and kiwi are. And the residents of the New World always knew how much.
The most valuable part of a kiwi - is vitamin C. It is enough to eat just one medium-sized fruit a day to give yourself a daily rate askorbinki, which is indispensable for the cardiovascular system of the body, enhances immunity and rapid recovery from illness. That's why pediatricians often recommend that parents give their children a day at least one kiwi. This is especially useful for children who love to spend most of the day outdoors. In outdoor games difficult to avoid wounds and bruises, and vitamin C - is the first condition for the healing of children's knees.
In addition, kiwi boasts of having in its composition of vitamins of group B - B6 and B9. Vitamin B6 is essential for hematopoiesis and B9 - is vital for pregnant women and elderly people suffering from hypertension and high cholesterol levels.
Thanks to improve skin vitamins A and E, Kiwi is often used in cosmetics. Mask using pulp or rind of the fruit can be done independently, adding a bit of low-fat yogurt, cottage cheese or honey. Vitamin E and Vitamin A moisturize dry skin, tone and cleanse the pores of normal fat. In addition, vitamin A is very useful for people with impaired vision.
In addition to various vitamins, a part of the fruit and includes a large number of macro- and micro-elements that are helpful to anyone, at any age and condition. It is primarily, iron, calcium, phosphorous, iodine and potassium.
Kiwi - fruit diet, low-calorie, so doctors often include it in the diet of people who want to get rid of the problems with obesity. But to eat more than one or two fruits a day nutritionists still not recommended, as it can lead to gastrointestinal disorders, copious and allergies.