Wheat germ contain huge amounts of vitamins E and Group B. Vitamin E has powerful immune stimulating and anti-aging effect, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the reproductive system. B vitamins are needed to strengthen the nervous, cardiovascular system, coordinated work of the thyroid gland. Nutrients that make up the wheat germ, help reduce blood cholesterol levels, and improve skin condition, stimulate the growth of hair and nails.
Wheat germ extract was successfully used in the cosmetic industry as an effective anti-aging agents. This product contains large quantities of selenium and carotenoids, have potent antioxidant properties.
Furthermore, wheat germ contains gamma-aminobutyric acid, which is a natural neurotransmitter. It regulates the body's metabolism, and maintains the balance of the nervous processes in the human brain. Therefore, this product is recommended for use after traumatic brain injury and stroke.
Fiber is also part of the wheat germ, helps cleanse the body and the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract. It is known that when using wheat germ human organism hungry less sends signals to the brain because it is busy digesting large amounts of protein. This property will be very useful for those who want to lose weight.