How to make milk mushroom

How to make milk mushroom
 Milk or Kefir fungus used for the treatment and prevention of various diseases. In addition to the therapeutic properties it has the ability to burn fat, which is widely used in the process of losing weight. The biologically active composition of the beverage prepared via milk fungus makes its use is indispensable for the treatment of disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, arteriosclerosis, allergy, to enhance the immune system and general health.  
 The beverage prepared from milk mushroom contains vitamins A, B1, B2, PP, carotenoids, B6, B12, calcium, zinc, iodine, folic acid, iron, lactic bacteria, polysaccharides, alcohol, yeast microorganisms. Regular intake of the drink completely normalizes the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, cures chronic bacterial blight, helps to remove all the toxins that have accumulated over the years, inhibits the growth of spoilage bacteria and pathogenic organisms, stabilizes pressure, digestion, endocrine gland activity. Beverages made with milk mushroom can be used in adults and children 5 years of age.

To prepare the fungus using boiled milk, then cooled to room temperature. In a sterile container, place 1, 5 teaspoons or 1 dessert spoon mushroom, pour two liters of milk, cover the container with gauze, put in a dark place for 24 hours. As soon as the drink is ready, strain it through a fine sieve or cheesecloth.

Begin welcome drink with small doses. During the first day eat 2 tablespoons prepared yogurt. From the second day dose increase twice. After 1 week, you can use 1 cup of cooked yogurt 3 times a day, regardless of the meal and at bedtime.

If you use the drink as a means of losing weight, then drink it after 1 hour after meals. Dinner replace yogurt. If the reception you have disrupted digestion and appeared diarrhea, reduce the dose of the drink twice and after 1 week go to the usual dose.

Easy indigestion may indicate that the body is self-cleaning under the influence of enzymes and microorganisms. Therefore, indigestion early days of admission drink - this is normal.

Contraindications to drink milk from the fungus are: diabetes, intolerance to milk protein, pregnancy, children under 5 years, the simultaneous use of alcohol and insulin.

Tags: mushroom, drink