How to deal with increased appetite

How to deal with increased appetite
 Increased appetite is often a deviation from the norm. In most cases, the reason is in violation of carbohydrate metabolism in the body. Because of the increased appetite in humans may be overweight, obesity, increased appetite therefore necessary to fight.  
 To reduce the appetite to eat often, but small portions. If between meals to eat an apple, orange or a portion of low fat cottage cheese, then distract from thoughts about the growing hunger will be much easier. As a result, during the main meal you do not overeat.

Main meals should be held strictly in a certain time, so you will increase the resistance to sudden desire to eat something.

Before going to bed can not eat anything caloric, since a few hours before bedtime body calms down and stops actively consume calories. The best option for a night of food - green apple, a cup of yogurt or warm milk.

Regularly fasting days, they will help to clean the intestines, get it work. Contaminated GI, may also cause increased appetite, so disturbed digestion and absorption of nutrients. For handling of the day you choose your favorite fruits or vegetables, dairy products. This will allow it to survive as comfortable as possible.

Before the meal does not drink alcohol - even a glass of wine slows down the satiety center, and a person eats large amounts of food than they should.

Do not eat at the computer, TV while reading or conversation. Eat only at the dinner table - it will allow you to control the process of supply.

The increased need for food may be due to psychological difficulties - some people tend to stick their problems. In this case it is necessary to analyze the problem and try to solve them. If you can not do yourself, psychological counseling can help.

Appetite may increase due to severe physical exertion, because during them the body loses a lot of energy. In this case, try to eat protein foods, but the chocolate, flour products, canned eliminate from the diet.

Tags: appetite need