Distinguish between river and sea eel (Conger). In supermarkets and specialty stores often comes across sea eel less greasy, but no less useful. Thus, in the sea eel contains vitamins such as A, E, PP, which are not destroyed by heat treatment. It is worth noting that the vitamin A contained meat conger eel several times greater than, for example, in beef (0 to 9 mg for 100 g). In addition to all normal marine fish phosphorus and iodine, a variety of sulfur containing eel, cobalt and chromium. River views can not boast of a lower content of phosphorus and potassium. To all the nutrients are preserved by heat treatment, eel better to boil, not roast or smoke.
Eel marine species have a greater percentage of the proteins compared to the river bank, so nutritionists recommend to use the fish to sustain forces during and after diseases. At the same time a part of the meat Conger much less fat in the body synthesize unsaturated fatty acids that contribute to rejuvenate, strengthen the immune system and even mental health. Furthermore, unsaturated fatty acids inhibit the growth of cancer cells and the development of rickets.
Conger indispensable and diets. Mainly because it is less calories - about 100Kkal - and is not such a high percentage of fat than the river, which can be up to 30% fat. Largely due to the high content of iodine and potassium, eating eel meat (especially its marine species) prevents the occurrence of thyroid disease and atherosclerosis. Yet doctors do not recommend too carried away eel dishes of any kind for liver and gallbladder. Precautions should have this fish dishes in asthma and chronic gastritis.