Of course, the fat is very high-calorie foods. One hundred grams contains about 750 calories, but when using it in reasonable quantities fat is even useful. In a healthy person, it is absorbed by 100% since refers to a category of fats that are digested more rapidly than others. This product feeds comprises immune cells and much less cholesterol than butter same.
Fat - is subcutaneous fat cells in which there are a biologically active substance. According to the content of essential fatty acids such as oleic, linolenic, linoleic, palmitic (called vitamin F), this product was similar to vegetable oils. Moreover, lard contains vitamins A, D, E, and arachidonic acid (which refers to unsaturated fats and is indispensable for the body to fight bacteria and viruses), which contributes to the normalization of the heart, liver, brain, and participate in strengthening the immune system . Also in fat contains selenium needed nursing mothers, pregnant women, smokers and athletes.
To benefited body fat, you must eat a certain amount. For those who lead a sedentary lifestyle, you need to eat 30 grams of fat per day, overweight rate should be reduced to 10 grams, while it is desirable to use it with vegetables, has antioxidant properties. For people with active lifestyles and those whose work is associated with high physical activity, the rate may be increased to 50 grams. In diseases of the stomach it is better to eat black bread. And eaten on an empty stomach fat puts a heavy load on the pancreas, so before use of this product you need to eat something light.
When frying fat lose some useful properties and gets in return, as well as vegetable fats, toxins and carcinogens, but only warmed fat is absorbed better than the cold and hot.