Method №1. Eat only when hungry.
Pledge of good nutrition - a sense of proportion. Never eat for the company, out of boredom, or if you have a bad mood. In these cases, food intake encourages you not hunger, and external influence, having nothing to do with the natural need for food.
Method №2. There need to slow.
Specialists, nutritionists are unanimous in asserting that the slow food intake contributes to weight loss. The thing is that the signal that you are full, reaches the brain only after 15-20 minutes after saturation. So if you eat slowly, you just do not have time to fill the stomach "to the eyeballs." In addition, the more carefully you chew, the better the food is digested.
Method №3. Concentrate on what you eat.
Do not eat in between times - when reading, watching TV or listening to the radio. At such times you can eat, for example, a roll and did not notice her taste. Focus is on the taste and appearance of food, and you will learn how the process of eating can be enjoyable.
Method №4. Plate should be small.
Teach yourself to eat less, using a small plate. Triggered the so-called visual deception. If you put on a plate half your normal portions, you will still seem like a lot of food.
Method №5. Watch out for food.
Do not get carried away with high-calorie foods. Strive to ensure that your diet as much as possible was useful products that are rich in protein and fiber. For example, if you like meat, then replace the pork fat chicken or beef. If you can not live without chocolate and pastries - a great alternative to become oriental sweets that are lower in calories. Do not neglect fruits and vegetables - they will help to diversify your diet and provide the body with essential nutrients.