Useful products: what and what to eat

Useful products: what and what to eat
 In the products and animal and vegetable origin contains a lot of nutrients: vitamins, minerals and vitamin-like compounds. Each of them is a beneficial effect on the whole complex of organs and systems. Therein lies one of the main reasons that allows nutritionists believe that eating a healthy person should be balanced. A diet - only for those who need to adjust physical condition.

Zhirorastovrimy vitamin A, which is found in carrots, pumpkin, spinach, as well as in beef liver and fatty fish varieties, allowing you to have keen eyesight and has beneficial effects on the skin, hair and nails. A serving of carrot salad dressed with olive oil, eat daily, will allow to look good. Moreover, oily dressing in the salad is mandatory, without vitamin A is absorbed much worse.

Another dish that can be prepared to strengthen the view - put out in sour cream steam beef liver. But do not try to keep it on the fire for a long time, since prolonged heat treatment liver gets dry, loses in taste, and most importantly, it becomes less useful substances.

One of the best antioxidants - vitamin C. It is responsible for energy, cheerful mood, activity. If we talk about the impact of vitamin C in the body, its patrimony - hematopoietic system. It is also a matter allows us to cope with stress and increases resistance to infectious diseases. To feel good about themselves, it is important to eat every day for half an orange, used to dinner horseradish dressing, drinking tea with lemon, and at night brew broth hips.

For physical strength, as well as the normal functioning of the locomotor system requires B vitamins Vitamin B1 is involved in protein and fat metabolism, which is why in order to be in shape, you need to consume bread made from wheat flour, berries, sea kale. B2, or riboflavin, reduces the harmful effects of toxins and other harmful substances entering the body through the respiratory tract. This vitamin is found in leafy green vegetables, peas, buckwheat and oatmeal. B12 helps to sleep well, prevents early insomnia. Its a lot of poultry, fish and eggs (however, this does not mean that they should be there for the night).

Tags: product, substance, life, vitamin