The sun and the food for strong bones

The sun and the food for strong bones
 Bone skeleton forms the basis of the body. Over the years, loses its structural skeleton substance, whereby a decrease in bone density and osteoporosis occurs. Disease stimulate hormonal changes. Osteoporosis is dangerous fractures. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out prevention of disease and strengthen bone.

The use of the sun

The sun's rays have a beneficial effect on bone. The sun stimulates the production of vitamin D, which affects the level of processing of calcium, strengthens bones, improves the immune system and promotes the absorption of many mineral substances. Ultraviolet radiation in reasonable doses, has an antibacterial effect, improves blood circulation and dilates blood vessels. Therefore, in the summer you should take a sun bath. If you're in town, make daily walks in the open dress. You can also sit on the balcony. Even a 20-minute exposure to the sun will do you good. Once on the beach, lake or river, try to visit the sun from 9 am to 10 am. This is the most opportune time, when you can stay in the sun without the use of protective equipment.


For the prevention of osteoporosis in childhood must take care of their health. A very important role in strengthening bones plays proper nutrition. Should eat foods rich in vitamin D and calcium. Vitamin D can be found in fish, particularly salmon and herring in, liver, eggs, milk and butter. Calcium is found in milk, hard cheese, sardines, cabbage, cooked beans and tofu (soybean curd). Also rich in calcium wholegrain cereals, green vegetables, carrots, almonds and sesame seeds. At any age, you must use at least 1 g of calcium per day.
If you have a high chance of developing osteoporosis, take daily calcium supplements. Milk drink their needs, as it increases the absorption of calcium.
Include in the diet foods rich in vitamins A and C. They are useful for the synthesis of bone tissue and stimulate the formation of collagen, the connective tissue strengthens bones.


Try to give up bad habits. Liquor enhance bone demineralization. Smoking has an adverse effect on the bone, since nicotine hinders the absorption of calcium.
Limit your intake of coffee. Caffeine also interferes with calcium absorption. On the day I drink two cups of the drink.
Reduce your consumption of meat. It reinforces the conclusion of calcium from the body.
Salt, also outputs the calcium from the body.
With stress using sedatives or other methods of stress relief. High levels of adrenaline and other hormones in nervous overexcitation causes loss of mineral substances.
To strengthen bones recommended exercises with weights.

Tags: food product, the sun, the strengthening of osteoporosis