The revolution in the plate

The revolution in the plate
 "Revolution in the plate" or "East Meets West" is called fusion cuisine is a blend of culinary styles. What ten or fifteen years ago, none of the chefs could not even think today was in general use.

Fusion cuisine suggests three options for mixing culinary styles. First of all, according to the phrase referred to the neighborhood native western and eastern ingredients mixed into one dish. For example, beef steak, seasoned with a spicy oriental sauce "teriyaki". Or Japanese rolls, baked with cheese, although it is known that the South-Asian cuisine refers to the cheese without due reverence. "Revolution in the plate" originated as an attempt to find new tastes, not traditional for any of culinary schools.

The second option of mixing - an attempt to combine foods that have undergone heat treatment on the thermal equipment for authentic eastern or western cuisine. Illustrate an example of such a seemingly simple dish like beef with vegetables. But if the pieces of beef, chop and marinate, fry in a traditional Japanese teppan and vegetables, sprinkled with salt and spices, grilled podpech, season with all the classic salsa, get fusion cuisine.

The third option - the compound ingredients in the dish, which were previously considered incongruous. For example, file orange fish sauce or garnish Ribeye steak strawberries. Recently gaining popularity mixing poultry with seafood. Having formed a cook ten or twenty years ago, you could run into a misunderstanding. And today - the trend, one of the global trends in gastronomy.

Fusion, or "revolution in the plate" as the culinary direction, uniquely, has the right to life. But the direction is rather experimental and not accepted everywhere as a kind of dogma. And would be, if for cooking in this style will begin cook thoroughly explore the features of regional cuisines, heat treatment, and the compatibility of products. If fusion will cover the inability to cook properly paste or sauce pour it, while the dish is called "author's interpretation of style," such a "revolution in the plate" will not bring the world of cooking nothing but harm.

Tags: kitchen, dish, fusion, blending