The principles of good nutrition

The principles of good nutrition
 Want to lose weight and lead health in order? Start small. Revising its menu, you will be able to get rid of extra inches at the waist, as well as significantly improve health. This is not about dieting, fasting or other restrictions on food intake and on the rules of proper nutrition. To achieve the desired result and fix it, you should take these principles not as a temporary measure, but as useful habits that should keep for life.
 Observe mode. The optimal solution - four meals, with breaks in between meals should be 3-4 hours. Should be the most nutritious breakfast - 35% of daily calories. Lunch - about a quarter, an afternoon snack - 15%, and finally, dinner - 25%. Try to sit at the table no later than 2-3 hours before sleep at night because the digestive processes slow down. Try to stick to a clear timetable for a few weeks. Soon you will notice that there is clearly an appetite to mealtime disappear indigestion, drowsiness, lethargy.

Meals should be varied. Healthy eating - it's not just cereal and raw vegetables. Food should be tasty and enjoyable. In addition, abandoning a particular product, you risk leaving your body without the necessary work to its full of vitamins, trace elements, minerals and amino acids.

Eliminate unnecessary. However, there are a number of useless and, moreover, potentially harmful products that should be excluded from the diet. For example, it is better to abandon the canned sausages, sausages and semi-finished products. Stewed or steamed meat is much tastier and healthier. Fast food, crackers, chips, snacks are also enemies of beauty. These products are not able to satisfy their hunger for a long time, but contain chemical flavorings and flavor enhancers, which are not the best way affect health.

Choose useful sweetness. Candy, pastries, cakes - the worst enemies toned figure. Of course, sometimes you can treat yourself to a basket with whipped cream or chocolate, but do not do it every day. Love to drink tea? Replace cookies and sweets with honey, dried fruits, candied fruits and nuts. After all, dates, apricots, prunes are not inferior to taste sweets in shiny wrappers. And, moreover, they saturate your body with vitamins and minerals.

Drink more water. But the consumption of coffee and tea is better to reduce to a minimum. During the warmer months you can cook with fresh fruit compote, fruit drinks from the berries do. In autumn and winter is better to brew herbal teas: mint leaves, chamomile, rose hips. Discard soft drinks and juices industry - they contain too much sugar.

Tags: power, the principle of