Shawarma: Harm and benefits

Shawarma: Harm and benefits
 On the streets you can often find tents that sell popular eastern dish - shawarma. Meat for this dish is cut into thin layers, marinated in a special sauce and put on a spit, around which the gas burners. When the meat mass fry, with her cut thin slices with a golden brown and mixed with vegetables, add seasoning. The finished mixture is wrapped in pita bread or a thin cake. Donner can be harmful or beneficial to health according to the method of preparation and components of the ingredients.

In the street stalls shawarma prepares about 10 minutes, to take it to the food fast food - fast food. The composition of meals purchased on the street, around 120 grams of fat, which is almost twice the recommended daily dose. Frequent use of street shawarma contributes significant weight gain and the development of cardiovascular disease. Buying dish in the near stall, you can earn gastrointestinal upset, as meats and vegetables, being a long time outdoors, can soak fumes or simply deteriorate.

But shawarma can be not only harmful but also beneficial to the body. Safe for health product can be done at home, where the whole process of cooking will be under your control. Then shawarma will bring only benefits, saturating the body with essential vitamins and minerals, and protecting it from diseases due to the antibacterial properties of spices.

To prepare the classic home Shawarma Chicken you will need 50 grams of chicken, spices (cinnamon, nutmeg, dry coriander, paprika, black pepper), salt, half a cup of mayonnaise, 3 medium pickles, 3 small tomatoes, 3-4 leaves of lettuce, 3-4 tablespoons of roasted potatoes, 3 tablespoons of yogurt or yogurt, 2 tablespoons vinegar, 5 cloves of garlic, olive oil and thin pita.

Cut the chicken into thin slices and place slices in a bowl. Take 1 teaspoon of cinnamon, nutmeg, coriander, paprika and sprinkle the meat. Pour into a bowl 3 tablespoons of yogurt or yogurt, 3 tablespoons olive oil, 2 tablespoons vinegar and 2 chopped or grated garlic cloves under pressure.

After 3 hours, when the meat marinate, chopped tomatoes, pickles, lettuce and fried potatoes. Light mayonnaise, mix with crushed by the pressure of 2-3 cloves of garlic, salt and pour the lemon juice to taste. Cut thin pita bread on the square part of such a size that they could wrap the filling shawarma.

Preheat a frying pan and fry the meat in it until golden brown, without adding oil, as the chicken is already saturated with buttery sauce. Cool fried slices, put them on pita bread with mayonnaise and top grease. On a layer of mayonnaise, place the vegetables with potatoes and pita wrap rolls around filling. Obmazhte pita bread with olive oil and fry on both sides on the grill or frying pan until crisp.

For those who are watching their weight, diet suitable home shawarma. To reduce the number of calories in a dish to a minimum, instead of meat put into the product fresh vegetables, herbs and a little cheese. A low-fat mayonnaise substitute yogurt or kefir.

Tags: shawarma, benefits, prescription harm