Quick-cooking cereals: Harm and benefits

Quick-cooking cereals: Harm and benefits
 Many of the chronic lack of time for cooking prefer to spend as little time. Therefore, it became popular fast food, among which there are porridge. Pour enough boiling water like porridge and you can have a minute to start breakfast. It tastes like porridge is very pleasant, but there it has its drawbacks.

The use of cereals is undeniable, but cook them sometimes do not want to, or just once. In this case, the rescue cereal instant preparation. They are good that their cooking does not take much time, which is useful in the morning, when already in a hurry to work. They are prepared very simply: on the eve not need to check whether there is in the house of sugar, milk, salt, because it will be only one of boiling water. Pour them are clover, insisted a few minutes and breakfast. Even small children can not help adults prepare porridge noodles.

The range of "fast cereals" impressive. They can be a mixture of several cereals or cereal one. On sale is a clover with different additives, which serve as spices, fruits, berries, and sometimes mushrooms. Typically such cereal manufacturers are packaged in portioned packages, which is also very convenient. It would seem that the porridge noodles give a solid advantage, but, alas, not so.

The main disadvantage of instant cereals is the lack of the proper amount of minerals, dietary fiber and vitamins. Most of the nutrients lost during the many revisions. Thus, in the instant cereals vitamins are only resistant to heat, among which vitamin E, and some trace elements - manganese, zinc, and phosphorus. Dietary fiber, which is so scarce instant porridge, are extremely important for the body. They improve digestion, relieve constipation, cleanses the toxins. In conventional porridge contained in dietary fibers more times.

Some manufacturers add instant porridge to improve their taste artificial flavors, the use of which the organism is in serious doubt. This is another argument in favor of traditional cereals.

It is in its infancy and the shell grain concentrates most vitamins. But the manufacture of instant cereal porridges cleared of shells, crushed, polished, subjected to steam treatment. As a result, cereal noodles contains almost no nutrients, but it has a lot of starch, which is instantly absorbed and converted into sugar.

If, indeed, an urgent need to snack, such porridge at times better than crackers and hamburgers. However, to get involved in instantaneous cereals should not be - starch, which they abound, may be deposited in the form of unwanted fat on the buttocks, thighs and abdomen.

Tags: porridge, preparation, use, damage