Protection of the pancreas: a diet for pancreatitis

Protection of the pancreas: a diet for pancreatitis
 Inflammation of the pancreas called pancreatitis. The most common signs of it are severe pain in the upper abdomen and vomiting not bringing relief. Treatment of pancreatitis can be performed as an outpatient or in the hospital, but for improving the well-being of medical therapy is insufficient. Of great importance is proper nutrition.
 Diet for pancreatitis depends on the phase of the disease. In the early days of exacerbation is better to refrain from eating. Not only hurt the weak tea without sugar in the amount of two or three glasses a day. Drink it should be in small sips, so as not to provoke an attack of vomiting and pain. Typically, in this period, treatment is carried out in a hospital, and therefore a lack of liquid intravenous infusions compensated glucose and saline.

If exacerbation of pancreatitis is not too pronounced and does not require hospitalization, there is no need to refuse to eat. However, the diet must be tough, without any breaks and irregularities. Trudnousvoyaemye proteins and fats have to be limited, and it is desirable to eat steamed. Allowed lean fish, meat and poultry, vegetables and mashed sweet fruit, butter in an amount of not more than 5-10 g, honey and sugar. Nutrition should be a fraction, at least six times a day. Fresh bread, soups, hard-boiled eggs, spices and chocolate contraindicated. Alcohol, of course, too.

When the phase of acute pancreatitis is behind the diet can be extended. Allowed not only steam, but also baked dishes. By the above products can be added omelets, vegetarian pureed soups, cereals, milk drinks and cheese. Allowed as sweet ripe berries and compotes of them. Confectionery, spices, exotic fruits, soups with meat, fish or mushrooms are still banned.

Very cold and too hot dishes are prohibited, as well as products that increase flatulence. Actually it should be not only to comply strictly with the recommendations of doctors, but also to listen to their own feelings. If there is a suspicion that some of the authorized products cause discomfort, you should at least temporarily exclude them from the diet.

Tags: table, pancreatitis, iron, diet, nutrition, protection