Products that improve the hemoglobin

Products that improve the hemoglobin
 Malnutrition - one of the causes of low hemoglobin, and the problem is not only the lack in the diet of sufficient quantities of products containing iron but in short supply and other vitamins necessary for successful absorption. Accordingly, to improve the quality of the blood is necessary to do their menu more diverse. But some products, though, it is worth special attention.  
 Daily female body takes about 20-30 mg of iron. And its main source is food. DESC iron rich thyme, pork liver, beans, brewer's yeast, soy flour, pumpkin seeds, beef and pork kidney, beef, greens, wheat germ, turkey, pistachios, lentils, sunflower seeds, liver pate, spinach, wheat flour, rye bread, marrow, corn, sea fish, carrot, egg and duck meat. And this is not a complete list.

Among the whole range of products to help improve the hemoglobin should be emphasized beef, carrots, apples, apricots, parsley, potatoes, onions, squash, beets, beans, egg, liver, kidneys. However, it should take care of admission and other nutrients conducive to the absorption of iron, namely vitamins B6, B9, B12 and C. Ascorbic acid is present in black currants, cherries, sour cherries, strawberries, cranberries, cranberry, dogwood, honeysuckle, apricots, cabbage (especially sauerkraut), sweet pepper. Source of B vitamins is cottage cheese, milk, cheese, eggs, wholemeal bread, buckwheat and oat cereals, soybeans, cauliflower, fennel, fish.

For good assimilation of foods rich in iron and organic compounds necessary to eat right, because even the most useful and fortified foods may be a source of empty calories, if you eat it in large quantities and often. Important and cooking methods. Much more valuable to the body is that is steamed, boiled or eaten raw, such as salads or whole vegetables and fruits.

If, despite the correct power level of hemoglobin is maintained at the same level - below the norm, it is necessary to see a doctor and be tested for a number of diseases that contribute to this state of the blood, namely, worm infestation, infection, inflammation of the lining of the stomach, vitamin deficiency, and others.

Tags: Hemoglobin, a product promotion, the iron level, cause rich