Low hemoglobin: how to compensate for a deficiency of iron in the body

Low hemoglobin: how to compensate for a deficiency of iron in the body
 Under reduced hemoglobin often doctors prescribe iron supplements that are fast enough to raise the standards level of red blood cells. But some people once again try not to take medicine. Especially when the situation can be solved by traditional medicine.

So, the most popular products that can help in the treatment of anemia are: apples, pomegranates, liver, apricots, walnuts, cheese, quail eggs, beef and seaweed.

Pomegranate juice is recommended to drink twice a day, but before eating it has to be diluted with water in equal proportions. This is necessary in order not to excite acidity.

Speaking of nuts, it will be enough to eat 3-5 nucleoli per day. Well increases hemoglobin buckwheat or oat milk porridge with the addition of dried apricots and honey.

Quail eggs - a good source of iron. They need to eat boiled.

It must be remembered that the prevention of anemia - is primarily a restful sleep, a balanced diet and a walk in the fresh air.

In the struggle with low levels of hemoglobin in the blood invaluable assistance rendered by various liqueurs, blends and juices. Especially effective infusion of garlic. Its pour alcohol incubated for about three weeks and taking 25 drops three times a day by adding half a glass of milk.

Eliminates anemia juice of apples and beets. Indeed, in addition to iron it still contains calcium, phosphorus, glucose, and vitamins C, B and F.

You can make your own sweet medicine. To do this, mix equal amounts of raisins, walnuts, apricots, lemon and honey. And eat in the morning on an empty stomach 1 teaspoon.

Beer with sour cream, chocolate, caviar - an excellent means to increase red cells in the blood.

It should be understood that the hemoglobin itself can not be reduced. If this happens - a consequence of, and the reasons should be identified by a medical. In addition, the traditional methods of treatment can help only if no significant decrease in hemoglobin, and if its level is below normal long enough period of time, just right to take drugs.

Tags: body, hemoglobin, iron levels, treatment, prevention, deficiency, anemia