How to awaken the appetite

How to awaken the appetite
 Loss of appetite is often a symptom of a serious disease. If you've been complaining about the lack of appetite, do not delay visit to the doctor. But if the food does not cause you desire because of a recent illness or because of fatigue and stress at work, it is possible to increase the appetite, resorting to folk remedies and psychological techniques.  
 Food culture

It's time to give up snacks and sweets between meals. Try to have one and the same time. After a few days your body will get used to the daily routine and will be greeted by the next portion of food. Remember Pavlov's dog? You certainly do not test animal, but the body of all mammals are at one and the same laws.

Set the table beautifully. The very sight of food should cause admiration and desire. It is not necessary to take care for a special occasion expensive plates and silverware. Your dinner date is a "special case."

Allow yourself at least during the acute and fatty foods. Yes, steamed vegetables are much more useful. But the spicy, oily and quite unhealthy food is best appetite. Back to the healthy foods you always have time.

Activate the stomach. Make it a rule to eat an apple or a light vegetable salad for half an hour before meals. Vegetables and fruits stimulate the production of gastric juice, besides them a lot of vitamins and trace elements.

Way of life

If you are all day in a stuffy room, nature only see on TV, and engage in sports for the last time in high school, it is not surprising that you have a poor appetite. Daily walks in the fresh air and moderate exercise very soon return you a taste of not only life, but also to the food.

Traditional methods

Try to awaken the appetite taking decoctions and infusions of medicinal plants. Buy at the pharmacy crushed rhizome and make broth. Pour one tablespoon of sweet flag three cups of water and let simmer for fifteen minutes. Cool and take half a cup for 20 minutes before eating.

You can take alcohol tincture of wormwood to improve appetite. Dilute 15-20 drops of tincture in a glass of room temperature water and drink 10 minutes before each meal.

But if any change in lifestyle or drug infusion have not returned your appetite, you need to see a doctor and to conduct a full examination of the body.

Tags: appetite