Halibut: species composition, caloric content, the use and properties

Halibut: species composition, caloric content, the use and properties
 Halibut fish known to mankind for a long time. There are many recipes out of it, which makes halibut regular at our table. But is a lot we know about him? After all, this fish is famous not only for its taste, but also useful properties.  

First, a little theory. Halibut - bottom fish, one of the representatives of the carp family. There are several types of fish: Pacific halibut, halibut strelozuby Asian and American halibut, Greenland or black. Dimensions of individual specimens ranging from 70 cm in length and 2 kg of weight, up to 7 meters and 300 kg! Impressive, is not it? Halibut - valuable fish, its way of life is very interesting. These bottom-dwelling predators shed eggs at a depth of 1000 meters at a temperature of 2-10 ° C, and the number of eggs thrown female, up to 3, 5 million.

Halibut meat is very fat, more than 5% fat. Most fatty fish lives closer to the northern latitudes. People who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, as well as hepatitis and other peptic ulcer, you should refrain from eating halibut. But if the above listed does not concern you, then you can fully enjoy the taste of this wonderful fish. Meat halibut very helpful. Eating them, you can saturate your body with vitamins D, B, E, nicotinic acid and glutamic acid. Calorie halibut, about 103 calories per 100 grams, can please those who follow the figure.

If we talk about the nutritional value of halibut, the protein content of 100 grams of the product is 18, 9g, fat - 3g carbohydrates - 0g. Phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, selenium - a treasure trove of items, so necessary for people living far from the sea. But the most valuable advantage of halibut, as well as any fish are fatty acids Omega-3. As is known, these substances have a beneficial effect on the prevention of blood clots and atherosclerotic plaques on the blood vessels, the cardiovascular arrhythmia cancers. Useful halibut and the elderly. Fat content halibut promotes healing of joints.

Like halibut and chefs around the world. One example of this - a variety of recipes from it. Halibut perfectly sochteaetsya with vegetables, sauces, it is salted, smoked, baked pies with him.

Tags: calorie, use, prescription, property, coma, halibut, composition, species