Fennel - a popular spice and medicinal product

Fennel - a popular spice and medicinal product
 Fennel, or "pharmacy dill" - unique in its properties the plant, combining the healing power and pleasant taste. Now fennel is gaining popularity all over the world, but only in the ancient Greeks and Romans knew about the benefits of Mediterranean spices.  

What is Fennel and how to eat

Fennel is superficially similar to fennel, but the quality of its fragrant anise close to, but milder and sweeter. Used in food every part of the plant from seed to bulb. Twigs, leaves, like dill, used as a seasoning for meat and fish dishes, salads and sometimes even desserts.

Root perfectly marinated and popular in Italian cuisine. A seed squeezed essential oils used in cosmetics, treatment, aromatherapy, perfume and gourmet dishes (mostly sauces).

Often dried fennel seeds used as seasoning for canning, for sprinkling bakery products. A gourmet ice cream can please with the addition of fennel.

Of its crude oil has been used successfully as a substitute for cocoa butter in creating balms, creams, masks, and other cosmetics. And that's exactly how fennel spice often added to hot dishes just before serving.

When cooking fish on the grill or bake, it is better to stuff sprigs of fennel. Fish absorb the intense flavor, but the preservation of its natural taste is nothing to prevent.

The most complete properties of fennel are used in Eastern countries, in France, Spain and Italy.

The composition of fennel

In fennel fruit contains large amounts of zinc, magnesium, potassium and calcium. In small quantities available copper and iron. Enough vitamin B. But it is particularly useful oil from the seeds of fennel. They contain oleic and linoleic acid, vitamin E, carotene, flavonoids and camphor, ascorbic acid and other valuable substances supporting body subjected to an already weakened or diseases.

Pleased to note that the caloric content of fennel is minimal: only 31 kcal per 100 g of product. Therefore, this spice without fear can be used in dietary meals.

Medicinal properties

Drug action Fennel has long been known. For many years, its fruits are used to treat gastro-intestinal tract. In fennel forces provide some antibacterial help contribute to the normalization of the digestive system (with an increase in the amount of consumption acts as a mild laxative). Also has a choleretic effect.

A drink from this seed promotes healing of gastric mucosa and will help to remove the aggravation of gastritis. The so-called "dill water" on the basis of fennel actively used to eliminate bloating in children, the effect of improving the functionality of the intestine.

In aromatherapy oils of fennel are often mixed with pine and are used to relieve tension, as well as in the treatment of the respiratory system. Together with citrus fennel promotes mood elevation.

Decoction of fennel excellent job with nervous disorders. Calm, cause the body to tone, removal of residues. Especially for these beneficial properties should pay attention to people who have been alcohol or overeating.

During menopause women should pay attention to fennel, as it helps stimulate the production of estrogen.

Teas with the addition of fennel are used by nerve cough and bronchitis. They have been successfully used as a febrifuge, as a cure for asthma attacks.

Homeopathic remedies, which are based fennel extract is used, normalize the menstrual cycle. As well as medication with fennel spasms, relieve pain and cope with colitis. Drops on the basis of fennel save from conjunctivitis and suppuration.

Harm fennel

Harm, as such, has not been noticed. However, fennel can cause allergic reactions if you are hypersensitive plants. Pregnant and lactating women should not be abused as a spice, despite the useful property to eliminate nausea. It is also worth carefully use fennel food people prone to experiencing tachycardia and blood pressure instability.

Used in cosmetics

Fennel - a popular spice and medicinal product

Fennel perfectly protects the skin from the harmful effects. With its anti-inflammatory properties, it deals with fungal lesions.

Daily wipe the skin with ice from the frozen fennel tincture or a mixture of water with its juice markedly make the skin more supple and velvety. And the use of seed oils nourish the skin of the face and body, rejuvenate and align color. Cosmetic creams and ointments with the addition of fennel softens the skin, eliminate excessive sweating, relieve skin irritation.

In any case, fennel always find someone who will appreciate its ability to assist. For many an indispensable quality in the treatment and prevention of fennel can be compared only with special drugs for general use. But hardly any one will have the same exquisite flavor and unique taste in their favorite dishes.

Tags: means, seasoning, fennel, property, fennel, plza