Drinks Beauty: moisturizes the skin from within

Drinks Beauty: moisturizes the skin from within
 Beautiful skin - is well hydrated skin. However, this does not mean that the skin should be applied as much moisturizer. Simply drink every day a certain amount of liquid. But the question arises: "What exactly do you need to drink? ". After all, a very high-calorie fruit juices, soda altogether harmful. A good mineral water, ready-made teas and other healthy drinks are not cheap.

If we calculate how much money is spent monthly on mineral and bottled water can turn a tidy sum. But the composition of the water shopping is not perfect - harmful substances such as biphenyl and polilorinat Bis phenol A plastic goes into the water and out of the water - in our body with you. Much better to spend money once on a good filter and forget about this problem. And if nothing more than pure water fed up, you can experiment with different flavors.

Add the water crushed leaves of mint and basil, let it brew at room temperature for half an hour after adding a little honey and stir well. Instead herbs can be used as an additive citrus peel. It is very rich in vitamins, minerals and flavonoids, which help balance blood sugar levels, lower cholesterol and cleanse the liver from toxins.

Drink tea. If possible, replace your morning coffee freshly brewed tea. All of his class and black, and green, and white, rich in antioxidants that protect our cells from damage and has a positive effect on the body as a whole.

Drink vegetable juices. They are no less useful than fruit, but lower in calories. Moreover, vegetable juice help strengthen the immune system.

Dilute fruit juices with water. So you reduce their calorie intake and reduce sugar, but still get the body needs vitamins and minerals.

It is best to drink do not shop juices and nectars, and make them their own. Especially because in the hardware store today presented a very large selection of juicers. The most useful - mixed juices of several fruits or vegetables. For example, the juice of banana and melon reduces hunger and uplifting. Cucumber and beet juice cleanses the liver and kidneys. A mixture of plum and grapefruit gives a boost of energy and increases efficiency. In addition, the juice is very good for the skin, they vitaminize and moisturize it, improve the complexion and help fight acne.

Tags: skin, beauty, drink, hydration