Dried apricots - the southern sweetness with healing properties

Dried apricots - the southern sweetness with healing properties
 Apricots and dried apricots - two names for dried fruits. The main difference lies in the grades. Apricots produced from small apricots, zasushivaya them directly from the bone. Dried apricots do not have the latest and biggest size is different. However, both dried fruit is equally tasty and healthy.

The use of dried apricots and dried apricots

Dried apricots are a popular Asian sweetness. Have better taste dried fruit, dried under direct sunlight. However, residents of megacities such dried apricots and dried apricots can only dream of, because the stores comes mainly factory production. Benefit of dried fruit does not lose its beneficial properties.

A third type of dried apricots - Kaisa. She, like apricots, has no bones. However, their removal product is not cut. Its a bit dried, and after - squeezed hard core.

Apricots available today in almost every store. It is often used in cooking, adding baked goods, salads, hot dishes. This product is also happy to use in-kind: with sweet / sour-sweet taste, dried apricots can be an excellent substitute for candy.

The composition of dried apricots surprises with its richness. This product contains vitamins A, B, C, PP, iron, calcium, magnesium and cobalt. Also, it is rich in organic acids, sucrose and potassium salts.

The content of a large number of useful elements makes apricots effective medicines and prevention of certain diseases. For example, potassium is essential for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system. It prevents hypertension and avoids thrombus.

Dried fruit also has a gentle laxative effect. For this purpose, it is recommended to use in conjunction with prunes and figs. However, if you just want to normalize the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, eat daily about 80-120 g of dried apricots.

With southern sweets you can also strengthen the immune system and safely cleanse the body. To do this you will need:
- Dried apricots (200 g);
- Prunes (200 g);
- Walnuts (100 g);
- Honey.
Chop all ingredients using a meat grinder and add 2-3 tablespoons honey. Thoroughly mix the resulting paste and store in the refrigerator. Twice a day to eat 2 tablespoons of the mixture: in the morning at breakfast and in the evening before bedtime. Within a few days you will feel the improvement of health, normal stool, adding vivacity.

Pitfalls of delicious sweets

Dried apricots and dried apricots are safe only at first glance. They help to cope with many diseases, improve the activity of internal organs and metabolism. However, for some people, dried apricots are contraindicated.

Even healthy girls do not get involved in dried apricots. Dried addition of mineral elements comprising many calories. If you follow the figure, use no more than 50 grams per day.

Apricots can not be consumed by people with diabetes mellitus. Fresh from the southern sweets should be avoided with kidney disease, thyroid dysfunction, pancreatitis. Dangerous apricots and dried apricots can be ulcer.

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