Cranberry juice: medicinal properties, composition and application

Cranberry juice: medicinal properties, composition and application
 Viburnum opulus - one of the most beloved of all plants. It is distributed throughout the forest zone of Russia, is also found in the Caucasus and Crimea. Prefers fertile, moist soil well. Kalina has a fine variety and diverse forms: zheltoplodnaya, variegated, with sterile flowers - buldonezh. Kalina is beautiful in the spring for its beautiful and original buds, and in the fall - with clusters of red berries.

The botanical characteristics

Kalina belongs to the family and the honeysuckle bush is up to 3 meters. Can grow up to 60 years. The branches are bare, gray-brown color. The leaves are coarsely toothed, lobed, petiole at the base have glandular growths. Viburnum inflorescence - corymbose panicle it. Boundary inflorescence - white, sterile. At the same time, they are much larger internal who are bisexual, plodushnymi. Ripe fruits are red, oval or spherical shape. Seed-bone inside the fruit - flattened.

Harvesting of medicinal plants

Practically all viburnum has medicinal properties. In folk medicine used flowers, bark, berries, seeds and leaves. Workpiece crust spend before leafing, at the beginning of sap flow. At the time of flowering in Kalina has the highest concentration of nutrients. The flowers are harvested in May and June on a sunny day in the middle of the day. Viburnum berries harvested in late autumn: the end of October - early November, preferably after the first frost.

The composition of the juice of Viburnum

Fruits of Viburnum lot of pectin, vitamins C, A, E, P, carotene. Iron in the juice cranberry contains more than raspberries, which is considered a leader in this indicator. Berries Viburnum has potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, copper, vanadium, manganese, iodine, strontium.

Medicinal properties of cranberry juice

Cranberry juice has anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, anti-microbial effect. Has a diuretic and choleretic effect, has hypotensive and anti-allergic properties.

Juicing viburnum

Cranberry juice can be prepared in two ways. The first way - is squeezing the juice from the berries juicer. After squeezing the juice viburnum should be mixed with sugar in a ratio of 1: 2.

For the second method juice, should be deleted berries in boiling water for 5 minutes (blanching viburnum berries removes the bitterness of them), then rub through a sieve. The resulting puree mixed with an equal volume of 35% Sugar syrup.

Applying juice of Viburnum

The juice of fresh berries of Viburnum used as external and inside. They treat acne, freckles, blisters, bleached skin in vitiligo using lotions cranberry juice.

For internal use of cranberry juice 3 tablespoons 3-4 times a day, cures gastritis with decreased secretion of gastric ulcers and colitis. Admission juice mixed with cranberry honey 50 ml three times daily before meals, treats polyposis of the stomach and intestines.

When breast cancer is recommended simultaneous reception of juice mixed with honey 50 ml three times a day, with the laying on of mashed berries compresses on the breast.

Cranberry juice is recommended to take with hypertension, cough, colds, diseases of the kidney.

From time immemorial in Russia fruits of Viburnum used not only for therapeutic purposes, but also in cooking. On holidays with snowball baked pies, prepared guelder rose brew cooked pudding "Kalinnikov", jams, jellies and candy, booze cabbage with Kalina. Nowadays viburnum as a dessert unfairly pushed overseas fruits and exotic berries. Is it because our immune system suffers, which lacks such a magnificent natural gift ...

Tags: juice, properties, composition, use of