Carcinogens and E supplements

Carcinogens and E supplements
 Coming to the supermarket, you can not help thinking about what might be lurking under the E-index specified on the label of the product. What is the impact they can have on the body. And if there are harmless synthetic supplements.

Since 1953, in Europe the names of chemicals - food additives - were replaced by code that begins with the letter E (from the initial letters of the word «Europe»). Over time, it became clear that many of these supplements are harmful to health. Some of them are harmful in single use only in large quantities (E235, E622, E904), as they may cause nausea, indigestion and temporary allergic reaction. Other - tend to accumulate in the body for a long time. Such substances are called carcinogens, leading to the formation in the human cancers.

What is the mechanism of action of carcinogens? Once in the body, they are working on it on a deep genetic level, affecting the chromosome set and stimulating the formation of oncogenes, which eventually leads to the formation of malignant tumors. Among carcinogens there are those whose names are in deciphering look quite harmless (eg, E330 - citric acid). In Russia officially banned only five nutritional supplements from an extensive list of substances with carcinogenic and toxic properties: E121, E123, E240, E924a and E924b.

Of course, any denaturalization product may dangerously affect vital body functions. Notorious flavor enhancer monosodium glutamate or sweetener aspartame, are part of a huge number of products can cause allergies, irregular heartbeat, and overdose adversely affect the liver, kidneys and pancreas. The use of them for a long time is addictive and chronic injury to vital organs. Aspartame, among other things, has carcinogenic properties.

However, not all harmful synthetic food additive used as chemical dyes, preservatives, flavorings and flavor enhancers. But the number of such substances is negligible: E100 - Curcumin, E363 - succinic acid, E504 - magnesium carbonate (baking powder), E957 - thaumatin.

Tags: organism, acid, carbonate, impact additive carcinogen, magnesium